The Jade Shadow was a significantly altered Horizon-class Star Yacht from SoroSuub, and it belonged to Jedi Master Mara Jade Skywalker. This vessel took the place of her prior ship, the Jade Sabre.
Like countless other star yachts that traversed the galaxy, the Jade Shadow was constructed with a robust framework. Its design featured a relatively broad section near the engines, gradually narrowing towards the slender, triangular cockpit. While the ship had multiple support systems that enabled Mara to operate it independently, the bridge was configured to accommodate a pilot, copilot, and navigator. Positioned above the cockpit was a sizable canopy made of transparisteel, providing stunning views of the cosmos and a remarkably clear perspective of approaching enemy ships.
Lando Calrissian and Talon Karrde assisted in the installation of a pair of Corellian Engineering Corporation AG-1G laser cannons that could fire in short bursts. These cannons were mounted on turrets, granting them an extensive firing range. The ship also featured two hidden Dymek HM-8 concussion missile launchers, each loaded with sixteen high-yield missiles. Furthermore, a retractable blaster cannon was integrated into the vessel's design. A significant number of the Jade Shadow's systems were activated through voice commands. When piloting, system information was presented via subtle holograms linked to a retinal tracking system, positioning these displays just outside the pilot's direct line of sight. All of the weapon systems were linked to a central targeting computer, offering a multitude of options and configurations. One particularly noteworthy setting was the "shoot-back" mode, which instructed the ship's computer to automatically engage any vessel that initiated an attack. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, Mara's husband, collaborated with her to install an autopilot system programmed with various evasive maneuvers. Captain Han Solo contributed an advanced long-range sensor suite, including visual scanners on both sides, jamming technology, sensor decoys, and false transponder codes. These additions allowed the ship to navigate through defenses without revealing its owner's identity. Mara also incorporated a potent, albeit expensive, holographic communications array capable of transmitting and receiving messages across vast distances, from Coruscant to the Outer Rim Territories. In line with Mara's previous ships, a remote-controlled slave circuit was included, enabling the ship to be summoned from nearby locations.
Han Solo dedicated his efforts to enhancing the Jade Shadow's speed, carefully adjusting the twin ion drives and modifying the hyperdrive to achieve performance comparable to that of the Millennium Falcon. However, the Jade Shadow's yacht-class drive units resulted in a more limited towing capacity.
Luke and Mara Skywalker modified the aft docking bay to accommodate her customized Z-95 Headhunter starfighter or even an entire X-wing, which was her husband's preferred starfighter. The Jade Shadow also included a droid station on the flight deck, allowing an astromech droid to connect and pilot the ship.
Following the destruction of her previous ship, the Jade Sabre, on Dantooine during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Mara Jade Skywalker was without a vessel, but not for long. Shortly after the assault on Dantooine, Lando Calrissian presented Mara with a SoroSuub space yacht that he had recently acquired from spice traders. Calrissian's spouse, Tendra, named the ship Jade Shadow due to its non-reflective gray exterior. While most star yachts were intended for leisure, the turmoil of the Yuuzhan Vong War led Mara and her allies to collaborate in transforming a standard, functional ship into a formidable asset for the New Jedi Order. Subsequently, the Jade Shadow remained Mara's primary starship.
During the Dark Nest Crisis, Mara, Luke, and their son, Ben, journeyed to Qoribu aboard the Jade Shadow to attempt peace negotiations between the Killik colonies and the Chiss. During their voyage, Ben overheard Luke using expletives while working on a malfunctioning R2-D2, much to the embarrassment of the elder Skywalker.
In 40 ABY, during the Second Galactic Civil War, Mara and Luke utilized the Jade Shadow to travel to Roqoo Depot in order to confront Sith Lady Lumiya and rogue Dark Jedi Alema Rar. Later that year, Mara was killed by her nephew, Jacen Solo, who had fallen to the dark side. The Jade Shadow then remained docked throughout the remainder of the conflict. Two years later, following Chief of State [Natasi Daala]'s decision to exile Luke, the ship became the mobile residence of Luke and Ben, and it was used in operations against the newly emerged Lost Tribe of Sith.