The clash known as the Borosk Engagement unfolded in 28 ABY and stands as a pivotal moment during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Following the Imperial's calamitous defeat at the Bastion Conflict, the Imperial Starfleet gathered at Yaga Minor. Subsequently, they retreated to Borosk, which served as the temporary Imperial seat of power. After a fierce confrontation, the Remnant compelled the Yuuzhan Vong to withdraw.
Following the catastrophe at Ebaq 9, the Yuuzhan Vong initiated a rapid series of assaults on previously bypassed adversaries, including the Imperial Remnant. Utilizing available resources, the Vong aimed not only to eliminate these threats from the strategic landscape before they could become more dangerous, but also to acquire slave soldiers to bolster their diminished ranks. The offensive against the Remnant achieved significant success at Bastion and Muunilinst, compelling the Imperial Navy to retreat.
The surviving forces from the losses at Bastion and Muunilinst converged at the Yaga Minor shipyards. Though demoralized, they were determined to retaliate. They disembarked the wounded and docked to undertake necessary repairs. Amidst the uncertain chain of command, the Empire faced a growing risk of fragmentation into sectors controlled by individual Moffs, as power struggles emerged while the Vong prepared their next assault. However, the unexpected return of Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, previously thought dead at Bastion, bolstered fleet morale and reestablished command structure. Under Pellaeon's direct orders, Moff Kurlen Flennic orchestrated the Imperial retreat from Yaga Minor to the more fortified world of Borosk.
Having learned of the Imperial withdrawal through spies, the Vong fleet, commanded by B'shith Vorrik, pursued. However, the assistance of several Galactic Alliance Jedi enabled the Remnant to adequately prepare for the impending confrontation. Jacen Solo deployed YVH-M Mouse Droids to identify and dismantle a network of spies within the Imperial fleet, and personally eliminated several Yuuzhan Vong infiltrators, depriving the enemy of crucial intelligence regarding the fleet's status and Borosk's defenses.
Pellaeon organized his fleet into four distinct operational groups, identified by the names of their flagship vessels and comprising numerous capital ships and support vessels. Fleet Group Stalwart spearheaded the advance, while Fleet Group Protector and Group Relentless defended the flanks, and Fleet Group Right to Rule secured the rear.
Pellaeon's strategy was straightforward. The fleet would maintain orbit around the planet, shielded by extensive minefields and surface-to-space turbolaser batteries. They would engage the enemy defensively, forcing the time-sensitive Vorrik to either abandon the assault or attempt a direct frontal attack against the formidable defenses.
Upon the Yuuzhan Vong's arrival in-system, Fleet Group Stalwart dispatched four TIE Fighter squadrons, led by Luke Skywalker in his XJ3 X-wing, to strike before the Vong ships could recover from their hyperspace transit. Caught by surprise, the Yuuzhan Vong initially experienced disarray before their yammosks reorganized their forces. The Imperial task forces steadily retreated into their defensive orbits, preparing for a prolonged engagement.
The battle took an unexpected turn with the arrival of a massive Yuuzhan Vong slaveship at the rear of the Vong formation. Saba Sebatyne proposed an assault on the ship, filled with captives from the Battle of Bastion, with the intention of being captured to rescue the prisoners. Pellaeon approved the plan and provided the automated Katana fleet dreadnaught Braxant Bonecrusher for the operation. Originally named the Braxant Brave, it was renamed in honor of Sebatyne's plan. Its mission involved feigning destruction to appear as a harmless drifting wreck. It would jump out of hyperspace near the slaveship and attack it, then allow itself to be 'destroyed' by the Vong. The slaveship would then be expected to harvest any live prisoners from the ship. Should all go to plan, the Jade Shadow, concealed within the Bonecrusher, would use its tractor beam to recover the liberated prisoners and then the Dreadnaught would jump out.
Manned by Sebatyne, Danni Quee, Mara Jade Skywalker and Solo, the Bonecrusher launched a dozen automated TIE Fighters and engaged the enemy rear before simulating its destruction. The slaveship then took both Sebatyne and Quee aboard. After eliminating the crew, the two Jedi breached the ship's hull, and the prisoners were tractored into the Dreadnaught's hangar bay. Following the completion of the recovery, the Bonecrusher jumped out.
While the Bonecrusher was raiding the enemy rear, a gravitic amplitude modulator was transported from a nearby Imperial system and installed on the Imperial Star Destroyer Defiant, calibrated to match the yammosk jammer technology developed by Jedi during the final days of the New Republic. Accompanied by a swarm of TIE Fighters and blastboats, the Defiant broke orbit and charged into the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. Once within range, the jammer was activated. The enemy fleet's sudden loss of coordination enabled the Defiant's task force to inflict significant damage as it advanced toward the yammosk.
Realizing that defeat was inevitable, the yammosk attempted to divert the attack, but the Imperial forces remained focused. The self-destruction of two of the yammosk's sister vessels briefly stalled the Defiant's advance, but a TIE Fighter pilot, reacting quicker than their peers, delivered the shot that destroyed the yammosk.
With the lead yammosk eliminated, the slaveship captured, the Defiant causing chaos within Vorrik's fleet while hunting the back-up yammosk, and the Yuuzhan Vong already weakened by losses at Ebaq-9, Vorrik was forced to retreat in disgrace, having been defeated by a critically-injured Grand Admiral still recovering in a bacta tank aboard an Imperial frigate.
The Remnant's ruling Council of Moffs was unsettled by both the Vong invasion of Imperial Space and the destruction of their capital world. Pellaeon strongly advocated for the Remnant to launch an offensive against the Vong and assist the Galactic Alliance in winning the war, arguing that passively waiting for the Vong's return would lead to their destruction.
Several Moffs, particularly Moff Flennic, were appalled by the prospect of the Imperial Remnant allying with the successor state to the New Republic that had defeated the Galactic Empire, which at its peak would have easily crushed the Vong. While the majority of the Council quickly accepted Pellaeon's reasoning, Flennic, unable to contain himself, drew a blaster pistol and aimed it at Pellaeon. Jade Skywalker intervened before Flennic could kill the Grand Admiral, and while Pellaeon promised not to retaliate against the Moff, he warned Flennic that any further transgressions would not be tolerated.
In the end, this engagement marked the second entry of the Empire into the Yuuzhan Vong War, culminating in Imperial forces under the Grand Admiral participating in the final battle at Coruscant.