B'shith Vorrik

B'shith Vorrik served as the commanding officer for the Yuuzhan Vong's assault on the Imperial Remnant. He was a Yuuzhan Vong whose face and head were almost completely without skin.


Following his victory in the initial Battle of Bastion which occurred in 28 ABY, he gave chase to the retreating Imperial Starfleet, pursuing them to Borosk with the intention of achieving a decisive victory. However, he failed to foresee the Galactic Alliance's decision to support the Imperials, resulting in his defeat at the Battle of Borosk. He then conducted a tentative raid on Yaga Minor, but opted to retreat toward Wild Space rather than confront the approaching Imperial fleet.

Subsequently, Vorrik was assigned the mission of destroying the HoloNet relay located on Esfandia. Yet again, he underestimated his Human adversaries, specifically failing to anticipate that his nemesis, Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, would be willing to venture away from the Remnant. This unexpected development, combined with Pellaeon's goading, sufficiently distracted Vorrik during the Battle of Esfandia that he became vulnerable to the suggestion made by the Jedi Tahiri Veila. She proposed that he dispatch a portion of his forces to the planet's surface while the battle was still in progress.

Pellaeon capitalized on this division, swiftly destroying the Yuuzhan Vong forces. Enraged by this, Vorrik attempted to ram Pellaeon's flagship, the Right to Rule, using his own command ship. However, the Imperial fleet intervened, obliterating Vorrik's ship before it could reach its target, resulting in the death of Vorrik and all those aboard. Shortly after, the remainder of his fleet suffered a similar fate. Jaina Solo jokingly gave the resulting debris field the name Vorrik's Folly.

