The decisive defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet commanded by B'shith Vorrik culminated in the Battle of Esfandia. Tasked with subjugating the Imperial Remnant, Vorrik's initial success at the battle was short-lived, as Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon and his Imperial Starfleet systematically diminished the Vong's strength.
The concluding engagement of this campaign occurred at Esfandia, where the Imperial forces achieved a significant triumph over the Vong. Pellaeon's victory can be attributed, in part, to his successful goading of Vorrik through pre-battle taunts. Following Jedi Tahiri Veila's persuasion of Vorrik to deploy troops planetside, the weakened Vong forces were overwhelmed by the Imperial fleet. Facing imminent defeat, Vorrik attempted a desperate maneuver: ramming his vessel, the Kur-hashan, into Pellaeon's flagship, the Right to Rule. However, the Kur-hashan exploded prematurely, far from its intended target.
With Vorrik's fleet vanquished and the threat to the Empire neutralized, the Imperial Starfleet was able to dedicate its full resources to supporting the Galactic Alliance in their broader conflict against the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.