During the Yuuzhan Vong conflict, from 28 ABY to 29 ABY, the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer named Right to Rule functioned as the flagship for Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon within the Imperial Remnant. This vessel played a significant role in their operations during the war.
After the strategic retreat from Yaga Minor to Borosk in 28 ABY, Grand Admiral Pellaeon, whose previous flagship Chimaera was undergoing repairs at Yaga Minor, selected Right to Rule to serve as his new flagship. Not only did it function as the Fleet's flagship, it also became the namesake and flagship of Fleet Group Right to Rule, one of the four temporary battle groups assembled to defend Borosk. In the subsequent battle, Right to Rule initially directed the other battlegroups from the rear. However, it was eventually drawn into the fray when the starfleet retreated below the planet's surrounding minefield. There, it remained to eliminate any Yuuzhan Vong forces that had penetrated the defenses. The day following the Battle of Borosk, Pellaeon convened a meeting with the Moff Council and other high-ranking military officials, compelling the Council to agree to his plan of forming an alliance with the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. After this meeting, Right to Rule spearheaded the Starfleet's offensive against the Yuuzhan Vong towards the Core Worlds.
In pursuit of Yuuzhan Vong forces under the command of B'shith Vorrik, Right to Rule led an Imperial force to Generis, only to find that they had arrived too late to protect the planet's vital long-range communications center. Determined to engage the enemy, Grand Admiral Pellaeon pressed on, leading them to the Yuuzhan Vong assault on the Esfandia Long-Range Communications Base located on Esfandia. Aided by the Galactic Alliance frigate Pride of Selonia, the Millennium Falcon, and the Star Destroyer Relentless, Right to Rule commanded the Imperial forces during the ensuing battle. It strategically positioned itself between the Yuuzhan Vong and the planet to prevent further orbital bombardments, allowing the Falcon time to evacuate the communication station's personnel. With the opportune arrival of a fleet from the Ryn Network, Right to Rule successfully guided the defenders at Esfandia to a decisive victory, completely destroying the Yuuzhan Vong force and eliminating Vorrik.
Later, Right to Rule was confirmed to have participated in the Defense of Mon Calamari, serving as the flagship for the Imperial contingent within the large fleet assembled to defend the planet. This fleet, including Right to Rule, operated under the direction of Admiral Traest Kre'fey, providing support to the Galactic Alliance's Second and Third Fleets. Subsequently, Right to Rule was designated as the flagship of the coalition Fourth Fleet, housing Vanguard Squadron and Twin Suns Squadron onboard, and also overseeing Rogue and Wraith Squadrons. During the initial stages of the final battle, Right to Rule supported its assigned starfighter squadrons in escorting troop transports, filled with commando units, through the dovin basal minefield surrounding Coruscant for planetary landings. It continued its service in the battle by leading the Fourth Fleet in engaging the Yuuzhan Vong home fleet that protected Coruscant, ultimately concluding the war in that very location. Days after the war's official conclusion, Right to Rule served as the venue where Pellaeon returned Killik Twilight to Leia Organa Solo before returning to Imperial Space.
In The New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy, Grand Admiral Pellaeon is described as being part of the fleet that gathered for the unsuccessful assault on Bilbringi, leading the group known as "Beta." It is highly probable that Right to Rule was present as Pellaeon's flagship at this time; however, the ship is not specifically mentioned or hinted at.