The Esfandia Long-Range Communications Base functioned as a transportable installation situated on the planet of Esfandia.
Constructed using pre-existing AT-AT engineering, it possessed the capacity for gradual but consistent movement across the planetary surface. Its purpose was to sustain and mend the limited communications relays that bridged the Unknown Regions with the broader expanse of the galaxy. The base's design incorporated slender, yet elevated passageways, alongside an extravehicular bay equipped with five speeder bikes and enviro-suits to facilitate external maintenance tasks.
In the course of the Battle of Esfandia, thirteen of the initial forty communications relays present on the planet suffered destruction due to Yuuzhan Vong shelling. This brought Commander Ashpidar's safety threshold dangerously close to his established fifty-percent limit. The crew operating the Millennium Falcon unexpectedly discovered the base, assisting its personnel in averting annihilation at the hands of both the Yuuzhan Vong and a traitorous element within their ranks. Eniknar, the security chief, gave his life to protect the surviving crew members from the Yuuzhan Vong threat, detonating a sequence of explosive devices.