Ch'Gang Hool held the esteemed position of Master Shaper, responsible for the intricate worldshaping processes of Yuuzhan'tar. His primary responsibility was the cultivation of the thirteen dhuryams, along with the oversight of the selection process to determine which would ultimately become the World Brain.
Possessing a considerable ego and a strong sense of self-importance, Ch'Gang Hool firmly believed in the superiority of the shaper caste and his own abilities. However, High Prefect Yoog Skell held a contrasting view, perceiving Hool's skills as significantly less impressive than his inflated ego. Skell harbored suspicions that Hool was to blame for the unsuccessful advancement of one of his subordinates, Fal Tivvik.
As the individual in command of the Seedship and the worldshaping operations on Yuuzhan'tar, Hool acted in an imperious manner towards his colleagues. Initially, he hesitated to permit Jacen Solo to join a slave team working on one of the thirteen dhuryams. However, he was eventually convinced by Vergere and Nom Anor, who were conducting their own project that involved the captured Jedi. His concerns proved valid when Solo armed himself with amphistaffs and proceeded to slaughter the other eleven dhuryams, along with hundreds of warriors. Subsequently, Solo liberated the slaves working on the surface of the planet under Hool's control.
Hool then gave the order for Executor Nom Anor to pursue Solo and eliminate him. Thousands of warriors were deployed via airdrop to intercept the fleeing Jedi, but Solo managed to escape, much to the Shaper's dismay.
Later, Ch'Gang Hool was present during the Duel at the Well of the World Brain, where Jedi Knight Ganner Rhysode valiantly resisted hundreds of warriors who were attempting to prevent Solo from sabotaging the World Brain. Unfortunately, it was too late to stop Solo. Due to Rhysode's sacrifice, the heretic movement gained momentum, and the World Brain became corrupted as a result of Solo's influence.
The Master Shaper quickly found himself overwhelmed by the renegade dhuryam, which was causing minor malfunctions throughout the captured Coruscant. This situation only served to intensify the spread of heresy among the planet's inhabitants, leading them to believe that the Yuuzhan Vong had been abandoned by their gods. When the Supreme Overlord himself, Shimrra Jamaane, arrived on Yuuzhan'tar, Hool was in attendance at the grand ceremony held to welcome the Dread Lord. When questioned about his progress in bioforming the planet, Ch'Gang Hool downplayed the situation, casually mentioning that the only significant issue was an itching plague, which he claimed any high-caste Yuuzhan Vong could easily tolerate.
Regrettably for Hool, Shimrra had observed him scratching his itch throughout the ceremony and revealed that he was more aware of the problems than Hool had admitted. The crowd became enraged, demanding the scapegoat's death. Shimrra delivered his verdict, and Ch'Gang Hool was dragged away to face his execution.