During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the First Battle of Obroa-skai resulted in a significant triumph for the Yuuzhan Vong military. Securing this planet, renowned for its vast libraries and abundant galactic knowledge, proved essential for the invaders, granting them crucial insights and data concerning the galaxy's diverse species and planets.
Following their victory over New Republic forces at Corsin during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the Hydian Way, the defeated Republic forces withdrew to Contruum. The Vong pursued them along the Vaathkree Trade Corridor. While Kroctar chose to surrender, Obroa-skai refused.
Despite the immense value of Obroa-skai's library to the New Republic, the world's defenses were surprisingly weak leading up to the conflict. The pleas of the Obroan Institute and its director, Bel-dar-Nolek, were ignored, and the planet was defended by only two refurbished Golan Defense Platforms and a small number of outdated warships. These forces were clearly insufficient to repel a Yuuzhan Vong assault.
The battle was likely brief, as the New Republic's inadequate defenses quickly crumbled before the Yuuzhan Vong's invading forces. The two Golan platforms and the few warships were easily overcome as the Yuuzhan Vong began an orbital bombardment. Only a handful of X-wing fighters managed to escape the battle, destroying a Yuuzhan Vong gunship before fleeing.
Obroa-skai, typically appearing green, blue, and white from space, was transformed into an ash-gray and reddish-brown wasteland due to the Yuuzhan Vong's devastating orbital attacks. Vast areas of lush rainforest were reduced to ash, and the planet's glaciers and small oceans were vaporized. The few major cities were subjected to heavy bombardment and ultimately fell under Yuuzhan Vong control, with warriors capturing scientists and researchers for ritual sacrifice. The Priest caste then took possession of the planet and its libraries, tasked with translating the texts into Yuuzhan Vong.
The fall of Obroa-skai sent shockwaves throughout the galaxy, further widening the divide between New Republic worlds in the invasion's path and those safely within the Core Worlds. The New Republic Senate began to place blame on the New Jedi Order, and some members even considered seeking a separate peace agreement with the invaders.
Furthermore, the Yuuzhan Vong seized several capital ships in dry dock and subsequently transferred them to the collaborationist Peace Brigade.