The Obroan Institute, a shortened name for the Obroan Institute for Archaeology, functioned as a research-driven entity. It was one of many academic institutions that together comprised the extensive library system of Obroa-skai. The Institute dedicated itself to discovering, studying, and documenting various species and civilizations. Its goal was to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of galactic diversity. To achieve this, the Institute employed numerous experts who conducted both on-site investigations and scholarly research. Furthermore, they operated a fleet of exploratory vessels to facilitate their field work.
Beyond its main headquarters on Obroa-skai, a significant branch of the Institute was situated on Coruscant, featuring a landing platform within Newport. Additionally, a research outpost was established on Babali. Reportedly, the Institute also had operational branches on several other planets. As a government-funded entity, the Institute fell under the purview of the General Ministry of the New Republic. However, it enjoyed substantial operational autonomy as a semi-independent organization. Internal operations were managed by departments such as the Office of Sentient Species. Researchers could nominate planets for exploration, with selected missions requiring researchers to secure funding from the General Ministry or external sources.
In 1 BBY, Dr. Insmot Bowen, an Institute specialist in the pre-Republic era, participated in a briefing. Those present included General Arhul Kurumenga from the Imperial Department of Military Research, Admiral Conan Antonio Motti, and Master of Imperial Projects Bevel Lemelisk. During this briefing, Bowen presented a theory concerning galactic mysteries. He suggested that a barrier located to the west of the Core Worlds was the result of Celestial technology dating back to the Rakatan revolt. Motti expressed skepticism regarding this theory.
In 17 ABY, the Institute played a role in the investigation of Brath Qella, an event triggered by the pursuit of the Teljkon Vagabond. A five-hundred-member research team from the Institute was dispatched to study the Sharu of Rafa IV on behalf of the New Republic.
Later, the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of Obroa-skai forced the Institute to make frantic efforts to safeguard its records and artifacts while evacuating the besieged planet. This event prompted Bel-dar-Nolek, the Institute's director since at least 17 ABY, to publicly criticize the New Republic's failure to defend Obroa-skai before the Senate. The director even proposed that the Institute should independently seek a peace agreement with the Yuuzhan Vong to facilitate a return to Obroa-skai and preserve the remaining data.
During his second year spring break from the Jedi academy on Coruscant, Roan Novachez visited Obroa-skai with his friend Pasha and Pasha's dad. While there, he toured Pasha's dad's office at the Obroan Institute for Archaeology, where he was shown some of the Jedi artifacts that Pasha's dad had been studying, including vintage Force crystals, the arm of a Tythonian security droid, the Unknown Holocron, an ancient prototype lightsaber, a monogrammed Ossus Keeper robe and an ancient Jedi text titled The Path of the Jedi. Unfortunately, Roan tore a page in the book, and was worried for the rest of the trip that Pasha's dad was mad at him.