Arhul Kurumenga

Within the Galactic Empire, Arhul Kurumenga held the rank of general and served within the Imperial Department of Military Research.

During the year 1 BBY, Kurumenga, together with Imperial Navy Admiral Conan Antonio Motti and Master of Imperial Projects Bevel Lemelisk, attended a briefing. This briefing was led by Dr. Insmot Bowen, a specialist in pre-Republic history from the Obroan Institute for Archaeology, and it concerned archaeological finds potentially substantiating the existence of the Celestials. Throughout the duration of the meeting, Kurumenga found himself needing to restrain Admiral Motti, a firm skeptic of supernatural phenomena, from interrupting and directing needless barbs at Dr. Bowen.

Personality and traits

Kurumenga demonstrated a tolerance for familiar information, valuing it over the risk of unknowingly missing crucial details. He also displayed leniency towards minor errors made by scientists. Furthermore, when questioned by Bowen, he acknowledged his familiarity with the concept of a spinning top toy.

Behind the scenes

Jason Fry initially hinted at Kurumenga's existence in the endnotes of his 2012 guidebook, The Essential Guide to Warfare. Fry mentioned a discarded alternate opening for the guide, although the character remained unnamed at that time.

The character, along with the cut opening scene, were revealed later in the Star Wars Blog article, Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare: Author's Cut — The Celestials. This article was part of a 12-part series reviewing material removed from Warfare's final publication for various reasons. It was in this article that the character's name was officially disclosed.


  • Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut — The Celestials on (article) (backup link)
