Roan Novachez, sometimes called "Ro," was a Human Jedi Knight of the male persuasion. He was born and brought up on the desert planet of Tatooine. After being turned down by Pilot Academy, his life took a dramatic turn when he discovered his strength in the Force. This led to an invitation to the Coruscant Jedi Academy, a Jedi academy located within the Jedi Temple on the city-planet Coruscant.
On Tatooine, Roan resided with his mother, father, younger brother Oliver "Ollie" Novachez, and older brother Davin "Dav" Novachez. Roan's father had graduated from Pilot Academy, and Davin followed in his father's path. Roan fully expected to do the same, and felt "doomed" upon receiving a rejection from Galactic Republic Senator Blagotine, who suggested Tatooine Agriculture Academy as an alternative. Roan was dismayed by this prospect, not only because it meant no space flight, but also because every plant he touched seemed to wither and die.
The following day, Roan's life took a surprising turn. He received a letter from Principal Mar of the Coruscant Jedi Academy, a Jedi academy situated on the world of Coruscant. The letter invited him to attend the academy. Enclosed was a note from Grand Master Yoda, who stated that Roan possessed a strong connection to the Force and would benefit from training. This was unexpected, as it was rare for someone of Roan's age to begin Jedi training. Nevertheless, Roan was excited, particularly by the prospect of wielding a "laser sword."

Upon arriving at Jedi Academy, Roan felt out of place until he befriended Pasha, Gaiana, Egon, Tegan and Bill. He struggled to fit in, surrounded by students who could manipulate the Force with ease, such as levitating luggage to the top bunks. He also faced challenges like bullying and tardiness due to his watch being set to Tatooine time. Despite these issues, Roan grew closer to Bill, Pasha, and Egon. He began creating Ewok Pilot comics for the school paper, and excelled in most subjects, except Basic Lifting, which he struggled with throughout the semester. He also developed a crush on Gaiana. As spring break approached, Roan felt no closer to becoming a Jedi.
After spring break, Roan and his classmates began new courses, including Master Yoda's lectures on the Principles of the Force, a study of Early Mandalorian Poetry with Librarian Lackbar, and Advanced Lightsaber Dueling with Mr. Garfield. He participated in a Lightsaber Fencing Tournament but continued to struggle with telekinesis. During the tournament, Roan unintentionally deactivated Cyrus's lightsaber during his duel with Pasha, leading to accusations of cheating, despite it being an accident. Roan felt insignificant among the crowd. The remainder of the school year was marred by accusations of cheating, and he approached his final telekinesis exam convinced he was destined for "Plant School." Resigned to failure, he relaxed and stopped trying so hard, inadvertently achieving what Yoda had been emphasizing all term. To his and his classmates' surprise, he levitated several large rocks, earning top marks. He also performed well in other classes, including Physical Education, and was voted Most Creative in the Padawan Observer End-of-the-Year Awards. He reconciled with Pasha and told Master Yoda that he would return the following year. Before leaving, he was pleased to discover that his schedule for the next term included Starfighter Flight Training.
Upon returning home, Roan's father suggested he apply for a transfer to Pilot Academy, but Roan expressed his desire to stay at Jedi Academy. He received a letter from Gaiana, and his brother Dav asked to see his lightsaber. After a year at Jedi Academy, Roan concluded, "Who needs Pilot School? I'm going to be a Jedi!"
During the summer between his first and second years, Gaiana sent him a colo claw fish tooth from Naboo, where she had recently visited. In his second year, Roan assisted Gaiana with the class pet program she organized, helping her care for a Voorpak. Eventually, Roan and Gaiana's relationship soured, beginning when Roan accidentally hit her with a dodgeball and seemingly avoided her during the school's Satine Hawkins Dance. During the break, he accidentally tore one of Pasha's dad's books and didn't make up for it, upsetting Pasha. He distanced himself further when he mistakenly believed Pasha was dating Gaiana.
Later, Roan was assigned to a droid project with Cyrus and Cronah, and began to associate with them. Jo-Ahn and Greer were also part of the project. He then initiated a large food fight, resulting in both of them being sent to the principal's office. During a field trip, he realized Pasha was simply helping Gaiana's sick father. Cyrus and Cronah then betrayed him after he allowed Pasha to defeat him in the Lightsaber Fencing Tournament and apologizing to him. Later, he went to rescue Voorpee, who had been kidnapped and tortured by Cyrus and Cronah, only to be discovered by Gaiana, who wrongly accused Roan of kidnapping the voorpak. He reported the incident to Master Yoda. He then took an assessment where he had to fly his (virtual) starfighter to point B. Cronah and Cyrus were on his team and ditched him intentionally. He also helped Gaiana and Shi-Fara navigate their ships after they were critically damaged. He then crashed into an asteroid.
Later, he reconciled with Gaiana, reuniting with all his friends, and returned to Tatooine for the summer on his space bus. He then found out who his next year master will be... Mr. Garfield.
In his third year, Roan began training with Mr. Garfield. He continued to share classes with Pasha and Gaiana. Roan and Mr. Garfield maintained a neutral relationship as Roan pursued his pilot training. He also went on a double date with Gaiana, Pasha, and Shi-Fara, as well as Cyrus and the new kid Lily, whom he found suspicious. Throughout the year, Cronah and Ronald Rinzler played numerous pranks on him, such as tampering with his backpack and putting voorpak food in his ice cream, though Roan was unaware of Ronald's involvement. In the final exam for the semester, Roan collaborated with Gaiana, Shi-Fara, and Pasha, completing the task in twenty minutes.
Later, Roan navigated the Labyrinth, which was the final test. During this, he discovered that Ronald and Cronah had been pranking him all year. He fought Cronah and emerged victorious. Cronah then revealed that his behavior stemmed from fear and insecurity, rather than malice. This helped Roan understand him better, and he responded with encouragement instead of sarcasm. He finished the maze in sixth place, only to discover that Ronald had come first! However, Cronah exposed Ronald for cheating by bringing a map and using an employee-only door. Ronald was then suspended indefinitely, though he seemed pleased. Ronald left early due go to an orientation at his "dream school" The Galactic Senate Academy which he gets through thanks to his cheating. Bill doesn't think he's serious when he tells them to vote for him when he's older. Later, the Jedi Academy held a graduation party, during which Roan complimented Gammy on a cake he had made. After the party, Roan and Gaiana met up, and Gaiana revealed that she had gotten her braces off. After some playful banter, she kissed him on the lips. This surprised Roan, who said he didn't want to tell Dav about it or it would be a long time before he let that go. Before leaving for home, Roan said goodbye to a few of his friends. Gaiana met up with him and they kissed each other. Roan then said goodbye to his mentors.
He returned home to find that Ollie had enrolled in Jedi Academy Kindergarten due to his ability to levitate pebbles. Roan then greeted Dav, who deduced that Roan and Gaiana had kissed on the lips. When Roan asked how he knew, Dav replied that a brother always knows.
As the years passed, Roan matured and became a Jedi Knight. In 162 BBY,[source?] Yoda sent him to retrieve Christina Starspeeder and her companions, who were searching for Victor Starspeeder.
Roan Novachez was an exceptionally courageous, devoted, and selfless individual with remarkable inner strength. He generally developed into a strong-willed and mature person for his age. Roan was also willing to defend himself, although he didn't always speak up for himself or others initially. However, Roan was also considered naive, clumsy, and prone to blunders throughout his time at school. He possessed a sarcastic wit and, while generally informal and outgoing, could become surprisingly formal and serious when necessary. He also had a wisecracking yet sarcastic sense of humor.
In short, Gaiana was the love of Roan's life. Roan first saw Gaiana at the Jedi Temple's docking bay at age eleven. However, they did not formally meet until the school dance nearly halfway through the year, at which point it became blatantly clear that Roan was developing a crush on Gaiana. Though the feeling moderated over time, until 196 BBY Gaiana was too shy and nervous around him to admit the same. As for Roan, Pasha helped him by advising him to be more like himself around Gaiana. Roan took this advice, and Gaiana came to see him as he truly was: strong-willed, funny, stubborn, and compassionate. The two were best friends for most of their adolescence, with building romantic tension that culminated in a kiss.
Roan first began showing signs of romantic interest in Gaiana after the school dance. In their third year, Roan and Gaiana grew even closer and their romantic feelings for one another began to grow and become more obvious. Gaiana and Roan did just about everything together, and Bill once saw them sharing the same milkshake. Sometimes, they would stare at each other for hours. Gaiana's frustration over Roan's failure to realize and act on his feelings continued into their later education. Roan was visibly affected when Gaiana kissed him on the cheek when they reunited at the Jedi Temple in 196 BBY.
Roan's powerful connection to the Force was discovered relatively late in his life. Recognized as Force-sensitive by Grand Master Yoda and Principal Mar, he was invited to attend Jedi Academy on Coruscant, where he quickly learned to harness the power of the Force. Despite initial difficulties in trusting the Force, he ultimately proved to be a skilled practitioner of telekinesis. He also acquired skills in lightsaber combat and learned to use the Force to experience visions of the present and future. Beyond his Force abilities, Roan excelled in the school's general curriculum, including subjects like physics and home economics. Roan was also a talented artist, having begun drawing at an early age. He created the popular comic series Ewok Pilot and Jawa Pilot, which were well-received by his fellow students. He was also considered a fantastic pilot.
Roan Novachez, the protagonist of the Jedi Academy series, first appeared in the junior novel Jedi Academy. Jeffrey Brown, the author of the Jedi Academy series, has stated that Roan is the character he identifies with the most and that many of Roan's experiences are based on events from his own middle and high school years.