Cyrus (Jedi Academy)

Cyrus, a Dathomirian male from the Legends continuity, was a Jedi Padawan who was a student at the Jedi academy located on Coruscant at the same time as Roan Novachez. Despite being a talented student, his behavior was characterized by bullying and causing trouble. He was almost always in the company of fellow Padawan Cronah, and they both enjoyed tormenting their fellow students at the Jedi academy, with Roan being a frequent target. A female student, Jo-Ahn, sometimes joined them in their acts of bullying.

In the year 195 BBY, during Roan's second year at the academy, he briefly associated with Cronah and Cyrus. However, he eventually came to the realization that they did not genuinely consider him a friend. Later, during the final exam for starfighter pilot training, Cyrus served under Roan as Blue Two. He and Cronah abandoned Roan during the exam, which resulted in both of them receiving a grade of C+. Furthermore, they posted derogatory comments on Holobook, which led Yoda to temporarily suspend student access to the platform. He and Cronah also engaged in torturing the class pet, a voorpak named Voorpee. As a consequence, they were placed on academic probation for the following semester and were prohibited from using Holobook even after it was reinstated for the other students.

During Roan's third year, in 194 BBY, he appeared committed to demonstrating his worth as an exemplary Jedi and refrained from his previous misbehavior, distancing himself from Cronah. He received personal training from Jedi Master Yoda. During an incident at a talent show that involved numerous clones of Voorpee, he suffered a broken arm and needed a cast temporarily due to a malfunction with the school's bacta tank.

Behind the scenes

Cyrus functioned as an antagonist character within the Star Wars: Jedi Academy series.

