During Roan Novachez's third year as a Jedi Padawan at the Jedi academy located within the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant, an event unfolded involving the creation of numerous clones of the voorpak species, specifically one named Voorpee. These clones were initially deployed in a practical joke targeting Novachez, who was tasked with caring for Voorpee. Each time he secured Voorpee back in his enclosure, one of his peers would approach him, asserting that they had spotted Voorpee elsewhere within the academy. This resulted in Novachez spending the entire day chasing after the clones, perplexed as to how Voorpee could have escaped, given that he had diligently locked the cage twice. Subsequently, the clones were utilized to instigate pandemonium during the academy's talent show. This incident occurred as Novachez and Gaiana were attempting to showcase a talent act featuring Voorpee, who had undergone training to perform various tricks. However, they soon realized that Voorpee had also been substituted with a clone. The voorpak failed to respond to any of the commands that Voorpee had learned for the performance and instead jumped onto Gaiana and relieved itself on her head. In the midst of this commotion, Cyrus's arm sustained a fracture, necessitating the use of a sling and cast, a situation exacerbated by the fact that the academy's bacta tanks were temporarily out of service for maintenance. Gaiana subsequently took possession of the voorpaks, transporting them to the Naboo Zoo during her spring vacation. However, the zoo was unable to accommodate all of the voorpaks, leading Gaiana to seek assistance from a Voorpak Rescue Organization, which consented to house all but one of the remaining voorpaks. Gaiana then persuaded her parents to permit her to adopt this final voorpak as her personal companion. As the academic year drew to a close, it was revealed that Ronald Rinzler and Cronah, two students, were the masterminds behind this prank, as well as other practical jokes directed at Novachez throughout the year, having formed an alliance against him.