Gaiana, a female Human Jedi Padawan, was a contemporary of Roan Novachez at the Jedi academy located on Coruscant. She had been undergoing training at the Academy prior to his arrival. Their relationship was generally amicable; however, during Roan's second year, a series of misunderstandings led to a temporary estrangement, after which they rekindled their friendship. During her second year, she also initiated a program involving class pets. By Roan's third year, their relationship had evolved into a full romantic partnership.

In her initial year, Gaiana already had a circle of friends. It was during this year that she first encountered Roan outside the docking bay, inquiring about his origins. Their interactions were limited until Gaiana encountered him at the school dance. They shared a significant number of classes together. Gaiana also successfully auditioned for the Lightsaber Fencing Tournament, ultimately defeating Greer in the competition.
During her second year, Gaiana spearheaded a class pet program, where students rotated responsibility for a Voorpak originating from Naboo. It was during this period that she and Roan experienced a period of strained relations, stemming from Roan inadvertently hitting her with a ball, the kidnapping of the voorpak, and his failure to meet her at the dance, none of which he had intended. Roan also began experiencing unusual thoughts regarding Gaiana after witnessing her and Pasha holding hands and seemingly spending considerable time together. This resulted in her completely ignoring him. Eventually, they reconciled, possibly after she observed his compassionate attitude towards Pasha, despite their relationship not progressing further. Gaiana also participated in the final flight exam alongside Shi-Fara.
In her third year, Gaiana continued to share several classes with Roan, with the exception of her training sessions with Librarian Lackbar. Generally, she maintained a positive rapport with Lackbar, in contrast to the relationship between Roan and Mr. Garfield. It was also during this time that Gaiana and Roan officially began dating. In the second semester, she obtained braces, which caused her embarrassment. For the final exam of the semester, Gaiana collaborated with Roan, Shi-Fara, and Pasha, completing it in 20 minutes. In the year-end exam, Gaiana achieved first place, as Ronald Rinzler had cheated to surpass her and no one else had completed the trials as quickly. Following the party, Roan and Gaiana reunited, and Gaiana revealed that she had her braces removed. After some playful conversation, she unexpectedly kissed him on the lips. Gaiana later met with him again, and they shared another kiss.
Gaiana possessed qualities such as diligence, thoughtfulness, and kindness. She was generally an extroverted individual, characterized by responsibility, perfectionism, and composure. She also exhibited compassion, frequently attempting to assist others, with varying degrees of success. Gaiana was not hesitant to confront her friends when she believed it was in their best interest or when she felt they had acted wrongly. Gaiana was highly determined and focused; during class, she maintained a quiet and collected demeanor. Despite her overall composure, Gaiana was capable of experiencing fits of anger, typically with valid justification.
Due to her compassionate and affectionate nature, Gaiana enjoyed a degree of popularity. Her consistent demeanor concealed underlying insecurities and a fear of failure and loss. Most students held her in high regard, with the exceptions of Cyrus and Cronah, and particularly Jo-Ahn, although Roan was their primary target. However, she largely disregarded them, even in regards to Cronah's comments about her braces. Despite her confidence in her abilities, she was neither arrogant nor conceited, and she readily assisted her classmates with their academic work whenever possible.
She was exceptionally loyal to her friends, yet also sensitive to their transgressions, especially when directed towards her personally. This also suggested a tendency to make hasty judgments.