A profile on Holobook with user comments.
Holobook represented a social networking platform accessible via the HoloNet. On Holobook, users had the ability to construct personalized pages showcasing details like their origin planet and current activities. They could also upload pictures, connect with other users, and exchange messages that could be viewed by their approved connections. Furthermore, users could designate a select group of their connections as "top friends".
The Jedi academy on Coruscant began offering Holobook to its students during Roan Novachez's second year. Despite arriving early for the academic year, Roan initially refrained from creating a profile because he struggled with the setup process and ultimately decided it was unnecessary, preferring holomail for communication. However, he reconsidered when Gaiana expressed her disappointment at not being able to list him as a "top friend" on her own profile.
Subsequently, Roan established his profile and enjoyed sharing humorous content with his acquaintances and providing status updates. However, he frequently received unkind and harassing comments from Cronah and Cyrus. These two Zabrak Jedi Padawan students consistently mocked Roan, viewing Holobook as a convenient tool to amplify their bullying. Later in the term, after briefly forming a tentative friendship with them, Roan participated in posting similar comments on other users' Holobook pages. Yoda, disturbed by the Padawans' conduct and cautioning that such actions could lead to the dark side, temporarily suspended all student access to Holobook. Following a Lightsaber Fencing Tournament, Yoda reinstated access as a celebratory gesture, but Cronah and Cyrus remained restricted due to their history of bullying and their involvement in confining the class pet, Voorpee, inside a locker.
Holobook bears resemblance to social media platforms like Facebook, mirroring its functionalities in reality. The bullying experienced and perpetrated by Roan mirrors the phenomenon of cyberbullying.
In 2020, the Star Wars fan group known as "SithCult" developed an open-source social media platform named Holobook.