Oliver Novachez

Oliver Novachez, also known as Ollie, was the sibling of Roan Novachez, younger than him. Roan was a boy hailing from Tatooine who, to everyone's surprise, was selected to join the Jedi academy, even though he was older than the usual age for new students. Oliver was just a kid.

Oliver adored his older brother, marveling at Roan's skill with the Force and wishing he could go to Jedi academy too. During Roan's initial year at Jedi academy, Oliver created a drawing, and their mother sent it to Roan. The picture included a message stating his aspiration to become a Jedi in the future. In Roan's second year at the academy, Oliver had the opportunity to tour the school during a public event. It seemed that everyone enjoyed his company, particularly the female Padawans. He even inquired of Yoda whether he could also become a Jedi, resulting in laughter from the Jedi Master. The following year, Roan gifted him a bright green backpack featuring an Ewok's face. He created another drawing to express his gratitude to Roan, mentioning that he used it to carry his books. Eventually, he would demonstrate genuine Force abilities and receive an invitation to attend Jedi Kindergarten.

