
New Repulusorlifts Senator Blagotine and a Toydarian Blagotine was a male Human senator of the Republic, and held membership within the Official Association of Republic Academies.


A letter penned by Blagotine reached Roan Novachez, delivering the news of his rejection from Pilot Academy. Blagotine suggested the Tatooine Agricultural Academy as an alternative. Fortunately, Roan gained acceptance into the Jedi academy situated on Coruscant instead.

During Roan's second year at the Jedi academy, he and several other students were mandated to observe the operations of the Galactic Senate subsequent to a food fight incident. During this senate session, Blagotine put forward a bill aimed at modifying the procedures for senators to introduce bills. Additionally, he presented a bill focused on the customization of repulsorlift seating arrangements.

In a comic, Ewok Pilot, illustrated by Roan Novachez, Ewok Pilot received the assignment of transporting Senator Blagotine to Coruscant. Blagotine expressed dismay that the "furry little monster" was tasked with piloting him, but was assured of the pilot's reliability. Blagotine's arrival on Coruscant was safe, albeit accompanied by a feeling of nausea.

