A Force crystal was identified as a potent artifact attuned to the Force.
The precise nature of these crystals' capabilities remains unclear; it is not known if they amplified a Force-user's connection to the Force or boosted their inherent Force powers. As well as this, Force Crystals had the capacity to energize certain weapon systems.
The formidable Subjugator-class heavy cruiser, named Devastation, made use of Force crystals to fuel its dual, immense ion cannons, providing them with sufficient energy to obliterate both planets and capital ships.
In one documented instance, a Homanan individual by the name of Nana managed to transfer her consciousness into the physical form of a Noolan technician known as Otolia Ratiuv after her original body was obliterated in an explosion, an event facilitated by the presence of one of these crystals.
Within the unreleased and non-canonical Alien Exodus, the Varlians possess a Force crystal, which their emperor, Kaxa, employs to relocate the planet Forhilnor through forced labor in the quarry. Cosmo Hender and other enslaved individuals pilfer the Force crystal from the palace, utilizing it to displace the Bloodstars. The crystal is ultimately destroyed due to the strain of using the Force, which causes Cosmo to age rapidly and die, a consequence of his unfamiliarity with being sustained by the crystal's power.