The Noolan were a sentient species originating from the Noola system located within the Outer Rim Territories. During the Galactic Civil War, a Noolan technician named Otolia Ratiuv experienced a unique event. Her physical form became the vessel for the essence of Nana, a Rebel operative of the Homanan species, following an explosion in proximity to a Jedi Force crystal. As a result of the transfer, Nana gained the ability of telepathy and continued her service to the Alliance to Restore the Republic within her newly acquired body.
The evolutionary origins of the Noolan trace back to the Noola system. Their home system was situated within the Relgim sector, a region found in the Outer Rim Territories.
In the era of the Galactic Civil War, Otolia Ratiuv, a Noolan woman working as a technician, found herself near an explosion that resulted in the death of a Homanan's physical body. Due to the coincidental presence of a Jedi Force crystal, the Homanan being, Nana, managed to transfer her essence into Ratiuv. This process resulted in Nana losing the shape-shifting abilities characteristic of Homanans, but in exchange, she developed the power of telepathy. Occupying her new Noolan body, Nana persisted in her efforts to bring about change in galactic governance through her involvement with the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Joe Littrell is credited with the creation of the Noolan for the article titled "The New Rogues Gallery: Unsung Heroes of the Rebellion," a roleplaying game supplement featured in Polyhedron 59 in 1991. Given that Polyhedron magazine was not affiliated with Lucasfilm at that time, the canon status of the Noolan remains uncertain. Despite this ambiguity regarding their place in continuity, the Noola system receives mention in The Essential Atlas, which was published in 2009. However, according to Jason Fry, one of the authors, "its inclusion shouldn't be taken as a statement of canonicity for anything except the geography." It's worth noting that Polyhedron 59 only referred to the Noolan in the singular form, leaving the plural form of the species unspecified to date.
- " The New Rogues Gallery: Unsung Heroes of the Rebellion " — Polyhedron 59 (First mentioned) (Unlicensed)