
bel-dar-Nolek was a male Human who held the position of director at the Obroan Institute during both the Black Fleet Crisis and the subsequent Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. This corpulent individual favored custom-made attire and utilized a cane crafted from greel wood for mobility. He was a vocal detractor of the New Jedi Order, holding them accountable for the death of Caamasi Senator Elegos A'Kla.


At the time of the First Battle of Obroa-skai, the director was present on Coruscant. This led some to surmise that his belief in the impending doom of his world was not coincidental. During an address before the New Republic Senate, he exhibited marked disrespect towards other planets, suggesting that planets in the Outer Rim could be sacrificed, while "important" planets like Obroa-skai deserved greater protection. Following the declaration from Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya that no further resources would be allocated to reclaim Obroa-skai, bel-dar-Nolek asserted that the Obroan institute would find more success in direct negotiations with the Yuuzhan Vong.

