Qurang Lah

Qurang Lah was a Yuuzhan Vong male warrior who shared a crèche with the esteemed Warmaster Tsavong Lah.


Lah was the commander in charge of the assault directed at the Yag'Dhul system. Despite this, Qurang's initial stance was against the attack, believing it more advantageous to maintain the existing "truce" temporarily to allow the Yuuzhan Vong to reorganize their military strength. He held suspicions towards Nom Anor when the Executor asserted that the Jedi – specifically Corran Horn, Tahiri Veila, and Anakin Solo – were responsible for the deaths of the other warriors. In reality, the Intendant was the true culprit, concealing his own failure to stand his ground against a Jedi challenge to prevent the other Yuuzhan Vong from discovering his weakness. The New Republic's attack on the ship-womb located at Sernpidal ultimately compelled the Yuuzhan Vong fleet to retreat.

