Randa Besadii Diori was a spice peddler of the Hutt species. He switched allegiances to the New Republic during the Yuuzhan Vong War. At that point in time, Randa's parent, Borga Besadii Diori, was expecting Randa's sibling. Borga was also defending Nal Hutta with only partial support from their clan. The invasion resulted in Randa being undersized for a Hutt his age.
Randa was initially chosen to act as a go-between for the Hutts and the Yuuzhan Vong regarding their slave trade. He went to supervise the slaves being placed on the Crèche, which was a clustership. Wurth Skidder, a Jedi Knight, tried to persuade the yammosk that Randa was plotting to kill Chine-kal, who was the Commander of the ship, but the scheme failed. Upon discovering the Hutts' betrayal of the Yuuzhan Vong, Chine-kal marked Randa for execution. However, Master Kyp Durron and Ganner Rhysode, at Skidder's insistence, rescued Randa, and he aided them in destroying the yammosk.
Because he couldn't go back to Nal Hutta, Randa ran to Duro. There, the New Republic had set up its SELCORE operations following the Yuuzhan Vong conquest of his homeworld. He tried to ensure his own safety, and at one instance, he unknowingly exposed himself as a traitor to the Yuuzhan Vong once more. He told Viqi Shesh, the senator of Kuat, that Yuuzhan Vong spies were operating in the biodomes. However, Shesh was also a traitor and simply passed the information to her superiors. When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded Duro itself, Randa was among the first captured, along with Administrator Leia Organa Solo. During an attempt to reach the mining laser, killing himself and several enemies, Randa was caught. He was unsuccessful because Leia had coded the laser to respond only to her voice.
Later on, when Warmaster Tsavong Lah attempted to sacrifice Leia to the Slayer God Yun-Yammka, Randa struck out at the Warmaster with his massive tail, knocking out several guards. Unfortunately for Randa, Priestess Vaecta used a tkun to strangle the Hutt. Nom Anor and the Warmaster then instructed their troops to take Randa's body to the kitchens for study.

The image of Randa was commissioned from R. K. Post for inclusion in The New Jedi Order Sourcebook, however it was removed from the final publication.