As a priestess serving Yun-Yammka, the Yuuzhan Vong deity of conflict, Vaecta was assigned to Warmaster Tsavong Lah throughout the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Being both wise and aged, Vaecta gave Lah counsel regarding how he should maintain favor with the Yuuzhan Vong Pantheon, frequently encouraging offerings and, in some instances, attempting to sway the warrior's tactical decisions.
The priestess officiated at sacrificial rites on the conquered world of Duro, including those during the assault on Coruscant, the galactic capital. Vaecta also performed the ordination during the ritual where a radank claw was attached to Tsavong Lah's arm before the warmaster's push on Coruscant; however, as their association progressed, Vaecta increasingly found herself in subtle disagreements with the headstrong warrior.
Warmasters such as Tsavong Lah commonly focused their religious devotion exclusively on Yun-Yammka, the Yuuzhan Vong god of battle. To prevent this, Vaecta, along with numerous other priests, was appointed to Lah's flagship, the Sunulok. In this capacity—and as a servant of Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane himself—Vaecta possessed the power to influence the warmaster's choices, resulting in an ongoing power dynamic aboard the Sunulok. Consequently, Vaecta accompanied Tsavong Lah throughout his campaigns in the galaxy, and traveled with him as his fleet subdued the planets of the Corellian Run. Her demands for sacrifices were particularly ruthless, even by Tsavong Lah's standards, and she often compelled the warmaster to comply with her requests.
In 26 ABY, Vaecta, aboard the Sunulok, departed from Rodia, which had been conquered, and journeyed with the fleet to Duro, which Lah intended to use as one of the first bases for launching attacks into the Core. As the battle raged in space, the priestess traveled with Lah and his warriors in yorik-trema to Duro's poisoned surface. Accompanied by a group of religious musicians, Vaecta went with Lah to the primary refugee center of Gateway, where she presented him with a tkun to sacrifice the researchers who had been attempting to terraform the planet. The priestess, robed in black, oversaw the event.
While Yuuzhan Vong forces clashed with the New Republic presence on the world, Vaecta remained with the warmaster in the offices of Leia Organa Solo, who had been overseeing the resettlement of refugees onto Duro. After warriors captured the administrator, bringing her and a young Hutt, Randa Besadii Diori, before the priestess and the warmaster, Vaecta instructed her musicians to prepare to sacrifice Organa Solo. As a slow rhythm resonated from a living drum, and two harp players plucked the tendons of their instruments, Vaecta unwound a tkun and approached the defenseless woman. However, Vaecta was surprised when Lah interrupted the ceremony to interrogate Organa Solo. At a nod from the warmaster she continued, only to have the proceedings interrupted again by the Hutt Randa, who lashed out with his tail, knocking the warriors aside and giving Organa Solo a chance to escape. Reacting swiftly, Vaecta hurled her tkun around Randa's massive neck, strangling the life out of the Hutt as Organa Solo was restrained. Randa's massive corpse was taken to the kitchens and, forming a circle around Organa Solo once more, Vaecta brought forth another tkun and watched as the warriors began to beat the woman's legs. Yet again, the ceremony was curtailed; this time the Jedi Jacen Solo, the son of Vaecta's captive, burst into the office. While Solo and Lah clashed in a duel, Vaecta and her musicians huddled against the wall, but the Jedi soon lifted a maelstrom of objects into the air with the Force, which he spun around himself to protect his mother. The flying objects overwhelmed the Yuuzhan Vong. The warmaster himself was knocked out of the window, permanently crippling his left foot, and Vaecta was rendered unconscious along with one of the musicians—Solo had killed the other with a heavy iron sconce. Fortunately for the priestess, she survived the ordeal as Solo quickly departed with his mother.

Vaecta remained with Tsavong Lah, although she lacked the necessary rank to preside over the attachment of a vua'sa claw to the foot Lah had lost in his battle with Jacen Solo. Aboard the Sunulok, the priestess and the warmaster soon engaged in more minor disputes; Lah asserted that the priest caste was fallible and that only the gods were beyond question. Vaecta later oversaw another sacrifice, that of an Ithorian, to discern the will of the gods regarding the warmaster's next military action; on such occasions, she was not required to defer even to Tsavong Lah. When the slave died silently, Vaecta advised Lah against annihilating a large number of refugee convoys being held at Talfaglio, in response to a Jedi victory at Arkania; the warmaster, irritated by Vaecta's interference, informed her that the decision was his alone. Lah instructed the priestess to implore Yun-Yammka to punish the commanders who had failed him at Arkania; she demanded that twenty thousand captives—instead of the eight thousand Lah offered—be sacrificed. These new logistical demands forced Lah to allocate escort vessels to protect the ships transporting the sacrifices, leading to military setbacks elsewhere. The rift between Vaecta and the warmaster became more evident as the readers, sacred to the priest caste, refused to salute or genuflect to the warriors, intendants, and shapers aboard the vessel, reminding the warmaster and his subordinates that the loyalty of the priests and readers assigned to the Sunulok lay with Vaecta, not Tsavong Lah. In retaliation, the Warmaster insulted one of Vaecta's subordinates, Kol Yabu of the Undying Flame, concerning the planned sacrifice of the Solo twins.
Vaecta and Tsavong Lah were next brought into close contact during the grafting of a radank claw onto the warmaster's arm. Lah intended to sever his limb on a cutting block and offer it to Yun-Yammka in exchange for Coruscant. Although the Warmaster preferred his longtime friend, the priest Harrar, to preside over the ceremony, he recognized that favoring Harrar at a time when he was asking so much of the gods would be an insult to Vaecta. As the Sunulok orbited Borleias, Vaecta blessed the radank claw, and was pleased when the Warmaster, presented with the opportunity to communicate with his subordinate coordinating the attack on the planet, Supreme Commander Maal Lah, chose not to interrupt the ceremony. After the claw had been blessed, Vaecta awaited Lah's readiness as she excised a chunk of flesh from the thigh of shaper Ghithra Dal, who would attach the claw to the warmaster's wrist. The atmosphere grew tense as Maal Lah's updates delayed the ceremony, though Vaecta continued, intertwining a strip of her own flesh with Dal's and presenting it to the warmaster. To the dismay of Vaecta and the others present, including the priest Harrar and the tactician Seef, Lah halted the ceremony entirely to issue orders to his supreme commander, before offering his entire forearm to the gods.
Vaecta's unwavering loyalty to the Yuuzhan Vong gods surpassed all other considerations, and she was dedicated to her role as a priestess. She displayed no concern for the lives of those sacrificed by her or at her behest, a trait common among her species. Vaecta was bold and confident in her interactions with Tsavong Lah, never attempting to portray herself as the Warmaster's equal, which reflected her stubbornness and pride.
Vaecta is featured in both The New Jedi Order: Balance Point and The New Jedi Order: Star by Star, though she only emerges as a minor antagonist to Lah in the latter novel. Her fate remains uncertain; she may have perished aboard the Sunulok at Coruscant, or at the Battle of Ebaq 9, during which Tsavong Lah's command vessel, Blood Sacrifice, was destroyed along with much of the Battle Group of Yun-Yuuzhan.