Senate Select Committee for Refugees

The Senate Select Committee for Refugees, often shortened to SELCORE, served as the governing body responsible for the care and resettlement of individuals seeking refuge within the territories of the New Republic. These individuals are known as refugees.


During the tumultuous period of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Senate Select Committee for Refugees took on the crucial task of managing the vast numbers of refugees displaced from their homes on various planets that had been devastated by the invading forces of the Yuuzhan Vong. Approximately one year after the commencement of the invasion, the leadership of the committee fell to the deceptive Kuati Senator Viqi Shesh. The committee's headquarters were situated in Embassies Row.

It was widely known that SELCORE transport ships played a vital role in evacuating millions of refugees from the war zone throughout the conflict. Countless vessels were involved in the removal of refugees from planets such as Ithor, Talfaglio, Gyndine, and Dubrillion, as well as numerous worlds located along the strategic Corellian Run, including Kalarba and Falleen. Regrettably, the Yuuzhan Vong frequently followed SELCORE refugee transports from one settlement to another, which instilled fear and widespread panic among the already distressed refugee population. Even worse, some corporations, such as Salliche Ag, plotted to betray SELCORE refugees by handing them over to the Yuuzhan Vong as offerings in the event of an invasion.

Around the first year of the war, Duro was designated as a suitable haven for SELCORE refugees. The planet housed over thirty-two refugee settlements, accommodating diverse groups ranging from Vors and Vuvrians to Ryn and Humans, and even a Hutt. Gateway, the main refugee complex, was under the administration of Leia Organa Solo until its destruction, which resulted from the combined efforts of the Yuuzhan Vong and, to some extent, Senator Shesh.

