Wurth Skidder, a Jedi Knight, met his end during the Yuuzhan Vong War and died as a result.
Under the tutelage of Luke Skywalker, Skidder studied at the Jedi Praxeum located on Yavin 4. He was among the more seasoned Knights within the same class as the Solo children. During 20 ABY, with numerous senior Jedi present at the wedding between Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker on Coruscant, he and Ganner Rhysode were entrusted with the Praxeum's supervision. In the initial stages of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Wurth Skidder became a supporter and protégé of Kyp Durron. In 25 ABY, Skidder's impetuous actions during the Osarian-Rhommamool conflict were instrumental in rescuing Leia Organa Solo from her assailants, but they only intensified the animosity between the neighboring planets. During the Battle of Ithor, Wurth joined many Jedi in the defense of the Tafanda Bay. He fought with great courage, but a Yuuzhan Vong amphistaff inflicted a serious fracture to his arm. Following the events on Ithor, Wurth made his way back to the battle lines on Gyndine in the subsequent months. Operating from within a commandeered All Terrain Scout Transport, he aided New Republic forces in repelling Yuuzhan Vong ground assaults, until he was forced to withdraw. Leia Organa Solo was present on Gyndine, assisting with the evacuation, when Skidder appeared. She attempted to persuade him to join her on the transports, but after promising to return, Skidder vanished and missed the departure. Wurth chose to be captured.
He was then placed aboard a yammosk carrier ship known as Crèche, under the command of Commander Chine-kal. The vessel also carried Randa, a Hutt, and Wurth was assigned the task of massaging the yammosk's tentacles. Utilizing the Force, he attempted to connect with the yammosk's consciousness and convince it that Randa intended to betray Chine-kal. However, the yammosk detected his deception and alerted Chine-kal to his Jedi identity. Subsequently, he was subjected to torture by the Yuuzhan Vong, resulting in his "breaking."
Later, Wurth passed away after Jedi Master Kyp Durron and fellow Knight Ganner Rhysode attempted to save him. They fought their way through the ship's hull with the Dozen-and-Two Avengers and battled numerous Yuuzhan Vong. Wurth, realizing his condition was beyond recovery, urged them to rescue the remaining prisoners, including Roa. By the time Kyp and Ganner reached him, Wurth Skidder's condition had deteriorated beyond hope.