A conflict unfolded on the planet of New Holgha during the third month of the Yuuzhan Vong's invasion of the galaxy, an extragalactic force, which occurred in 25 ABY. The New Republic, the ruling body at the time, mistakenly believed Mandalorian information was unreliable because of the Mandalorians' open alliance with the alien Yuuzhan Vong. Consequently, they wrongly assumed Pedd 4 was the true target and moved most of New Holgha's defenses there. As a result, New Holgha was easily captured by the Yuuzhan Vong due to the minimal resistance. Boba Fett, the Mandalorian leader, encountered a Jedi while aiding the Yuuzhan Vong on New Holgha. He then enlisted the Jedi to reliably relay crucial information to the New Republic.
In the year 25 ABY, as the Yuuzhan Vong, an extragalactic force, were attempting to conquer the galaxy, the invading aliens launched an assault on the Outer Rim world of Birgis. Boba Fett, the Mandalorian leader, and his Mandalorian Protectors, while publicly appearing to collaborate with the Yuuzhan Vong, were secretly trying to transmit intelligence about the invaders to the New Republic, the governing body. Fett used a pilot on Birgis to deliver this information, hoping the New Republic could evacuate New Holgha, another Outer Rim world, before the Yuuzhan Vong attacked it in three months' time.
The New Republic, however, was under the impression that the Mandalorians had provided false information. Therefore, they redeployed New Holgha's forces to Pedd Four, a Republic stronghold, believing it was the Yuuzhan Vong's true objective. With its defenses significantly weakened and its long-range defensive satellite sabotaged the night before, New Holgha quickly fell to the Yuuzhan Vong, who had just finished their conquest of the nearby Vinsoth system.
The Yuuzhan Vong attacked the planet's Five Holy Cities with magma weapons. They also used a dread weapon to harvest raw materials from the planet's surface to refuel one of their living miid ro'ik warships. Fett, watching the vessel consume trees, buildings, and New Holghan people, felt an unsettling echo of his time inside a sarlacc in 4 ABY. However, he was interrupted by a comlink message from Bur'lorr, a Yuuzhan Vong subaltern. The subaltern had briefly fought a Jedi Knight and tasked Fett and his Mandalorians with capturing him.
Fett and the Protectors pursued the Jedi through the main marketplace of the Five Holy Cities, eventually cornering him in an alley. Recognizing an opportunity to provide more reliable intelligence to the New Republic, Fett shared additional information with the Jedi Knight, who identified himself as Kubariet. Fett then assigned Tiroc Vhon to escort Kubariet to safety. Bur'lorr arrived, demanding the Jedi's location, but Goran Beviin, a Mandalorian, killed him. The Yuuzhan Vong's final cries were masked by nearby cannon fire, preventing other Yuuzhan Vong from being alerted. However, the Mandalorians' victory came at a cost: Briika Jeban, a Protector, was wounded by the claws of Bur'lorr's living armor and died.
Jeban's death meant her daughter, Dinua, needed a new parent, so Beviin adopted her. Following their capture of New Holgha as part of their empire, the Yuuzhan Vong attacked the Shaum Hii system. By 27 ABY, the Pedd system had also fallen to the Yuuzhan Vong.
Two weeks after the New Holgha campaign, Kubariet located Fett on Vorpa'ya in the Mandalore sector. They agreed to maintain the public perception of Mandalorian collaboration with the Yuuzhan Vong while the Mandalorians continued to supply crucial intelligence to the New Republic.
The Battle of New Holgha was first depicted in Boba Fett: A Practical Man, a 2006 eBook by Karen Traviss.