Tiroc Vhon

Tiroc Vhon was a Mandalorian bounty hunter and also a mercenary. He served under the command of Boba Fett during the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War.


In the year 24 ABY, Vhon was among the Mandalorian Protectors who fought in the battle on Birgis. However, he was covertly attempting to pass intelligence concerning the Yuuzhan Vong to the New Republic. As the Protectors were assaulting the primary structure of a spaceport located on the planet, Vhon provided cover for their retreat using Suvar Detta. During the battle fought on New Holgha, Boba Fett tasked Vhon and Suvar with restraining an injured but struggling Jedi, Kubariet, so that Cham Detta could give medical treatment. Fett then told the Jedi Knight that the Mandalorians had made efforts to alert the New Republic regarding the impending attack on New Holgha. He also stated that if the New Republic established a safe communication channel, they would keep sending intel on the Vong. After Vhon gave a warning about the Vong approaching, Fett instructed him to assist Kubariet to his ship and then escort him out of the system. Vhon was known to carry a lightsaber that he had taken from a Jedi who was dying in combat.

