Dinua Jeban

Dinua Jeban was a female Human Mandalorian commando who participated in the Yuuzhan Vong War. From the war's beginning, she served as one of Boba Fett's supercommandos, despite being just fourteen years old.

Before the war began, her father died. Her mother, Briika Jeban, passed away during the first year of the conflict. Soon after, Goran Beviin took her in, fulfilling a prior agreement to adopt her.

Following the war, Dinua wed a man by the name of Jintar, and they had two offspring: a son named Shalk and a daughter named Briila. Given that they were approximately seven and five years old in 40 ABY, it can be inferred they were born around 33 ABY and 35 ABY, respectively.

Even though she had fought for five years during the Yuuzhan Vong conflict, Dinua chose to remain with her adoptive father to care for her children during the Second Galactic Civil War, while Jintar engaged in mercenary activities. Their offspring were too young for both parents to leave for war.

