Pedd Four was a celestial body situated within the D'Astan sector of the New Territories, which itself was part of the Outer Rim Territories. Specifically, it was the fourth planet orbiting within the Pedd system. The Celanon Spur hyperspace route offered a link from this world to both the Ord Cestus and Celanon systems.
During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy from beyond the galactic rim (extragalactic) in 25 ABY, the Mandalorian Protectors, led by Boba Fett (who held the leadership position), ostensibly sided with the invaders, but secretly provided the New Republic with crucial information. This government, however, dismissed the intelligence as unreliable and, ignoring the warnings, shifted troops from New Holgha, a world within the Ciutric sector, to reinforce Pedd Four, which had evolved into a New Republic bastion by 26 ABY.
Consequently, New Holgha fell to the Yuuzhan Vong. Goran Beviin, Fett's second-in-command, informed Fett of the New Republic military resources' relocation to Pedd Four. By 27 ABY, the Yuuzhan Vong had successfully conquered the entire Pedd system.
Pedd Four received a mention in Karen Traviss's 2006 eBook, Boba Fett: A Practical Man. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, pinpointed the Pedd system, and therefore Pedd Four, within grid coordinate O-6.