An assault was carried out against the Vinsoth system in the year 25 ABY by the intergalactic Yuuzhan Vong empire, who were invading the galaxy at that point in time. Following a previous attack on the Ciutric system, the Yuuzhan Vong launched their assault on the system; subsequently, they divided their forces to strike numerous other star systems. One contingent of Vong forces journeyed to the planet New Holgha and attacked it, while another contingent proceeded to the Vandyne system through the Axxila system and attacked it. A third group made its way to the Botajef system, then split up to attack the Bandomeer system via the Hydian Way hyperlane, and to attack the Columex system using the Salin Corridor.
The inaugural depiction of the Vinsoth system attack occurred in The Essential Atlas, a sourcebook authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry and published in 2009. This Atlas featured the attack on a map entitled "Vector Prime and the Yuuzhan Vong advance," illustrating the movements and conflicts among various factions involved in the Yuuzhan Vong War, spanning from 25 ABY to 26 ABY. While the book does not provide details regarding the attack's outcome, a separate map indicates that the Vinsoth system was under Vong dominion by 26 ABY.