Calocour Heights, a commercial zone, existed within the Senate District of Coruscant's Galactic City. Its position was nestled between the Palace of the Republic to its southern border, and the Senate Building. Furthermore, it was in close proximity to Column Commons.
Calocour Heights was often compared to a smaller version of the Corporate Sector, characterized by aggressive market researchers, complimentary product giveaways on floating repulsorlift platforms, and vibrant, noisy advertising displays. Several of the galaxy's most well-known and fiercely competitive marketing and communications firms established their main offices in the Heights, notably SchaumAssoc and NullComm. Despite the availability of advanced technology for purchase within the Heights, the district gained a reputation for its excessively high costs.
During the Yuuzhan Vong's galactic invasion, when Coruscant was conquered, Calocour Heights suffered destruction during the conflict. As Coruscant underwent terraforming to transform into Yuuzhan'tar, the entire area was leveled, and the Square of Hierarchy took the place of the Heights.