Final Redoubt

The so-called Final Redoubt was allegedly the designation for a clandestine New Republic installation situated on the lunar surface of Ebaq 9 in the latter years of the Yuuzhan Vong War. It was whispered that personnel from Chief of State Cal Omas's office, a substantial number of Jedi, and a significant portion of the dwindling New Republic's vital supplies were secretly located at this site.

However, unbeknownst to both the Yuuzhan Vong and the Peace Brigade operatives who received this intelligence, no such base actually existed. The New Republic Intelligence Service, through careful and detailed preparation, had discovered the Yuuzhan Vong's espionage network operating on Mon Calamari and purposefully disseminated fabricated data. The intention was to lead the Yuuzhan Vong to believe that this final stronghold of the New Republic was vulnerable to a surprise attack and annihilation. This deception proved effective; Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane, influenced by his executor Nom Anor, commanded Warmaster Tsavong Lah to assemble a strike force and obliterate the supposed base. The ensuing ambush orchestrated by Admiral Ackbar resulted in the Battle of Ebaq 9, the destruction of Lah's forces, and the warmaster's own demise.

