The Hall of Confluence existed within the Citadel, and it functioned as the location where Shimrra Jamaane, who held the title of Supreme Overlord for the Yuuzhan Vong, would preside over gatherings with the Elite. This Hall featured a trompe l'oeil effect, creating the illusion of disappearing at the hau polyp throne specifically constructed for the Supreme Overlord. Chitin marble formed the walls, and the structure included four entryways, one for each of the Ruling Castes. Pillars crafted from the skeletal remains of a massive creature provided support, while yorik coral laced across the roof's arches. Unique dovin basals imbued the room with an unusual sensation related to gravity: individuals approaching Shimrra's throne experienced a feeling of walking uphill, symbolizing the perceived difficulty of reaching the Supreme Overlord. To counteract this effect, specialized seating arrangements were designed for the members of the Great Council.