Qang qahsa

Qang qahsas represented a unique type of qahsa specifically utilized by the Shaper caste within the society of the Yuuzhan Vong.


Functioning in a manner akin to standard qahsas, Qang qahsas were constructed to house all the informational content related to the protocols employed by the shaper caste. Typically, they housed a quintet of core knowledge cortexes, accessible to all Shapers, alongside two additional inner cortexes restricted to Master Shapers. Deep within the Qang qahsa resided the eighth cortex, holding the most revered protocols, believed to have been gifted to the species by their gods.

These repositories of knowledge were sustained through the utilization of substantial Rikyam brains.


Unbeknownst to most Yuuzhan Vong, the origin of the Qang qahsa did not stem from divine intervention. They did, however, encompass all the knowledge imparted to the ancient Ur-Yuuzhan Vong many millennia prior, which was instrumental in overcoming a mechanical civilization on Yuuzhan'tar.

Over time, the true beginnings of the Qang qahsa faded from the collective memory of subsequent generations, who increasingly prioritized reverence for their gods. The information contained within the Qang qahsa was then disseminated to the shapers, empowering them to create the living servants essential for the race's advancement and well-being. Legend also held that the eighth cortex within the Qang qahsa possessed crucial knowledge for the Yuuzhan Vong's survival in the face of dire circumstances, although in reality, it was largely devoid of content.

