Rings of Coruscant

The Rings of Coruscant designated a man-made planetary ring that encompassed the planet Coruscant. This ring, referred to as the Bridge or the rainbow bridge by the Yuuzhan Vong, was constructed by them in 27 ABY following their capture of Coruscant, which they subsequently renamed Yuuzhan'tar. The invading force obliterated the planet's largest moon using dovin basals that manipulated gravity, and then utilized the resulting fragments to create a ring that orbited Yuuzhan'tar. From the planet's surface, this planetary ring had the appearance of a rainbow. However, two years later, in 29 ABY, the Bridge sustained significant damage when the sentient planet Zonama Sekot, which possessed hyperspace capabilities, entered Yuuzhan'tar's orbit, thereby fracturing the Bridge. Nevertheless, it remained around the planet a century afterward, by which time it was known as the Rings of Coruscant and had become a well-known tourist attraction.


The Rings of Coruscant, also known as the Bridge or the rainbow bridge, were a fabricated planetary ring that encircled the planet Coruscant, which the Yuuzhan Vong renamed Yuuzhan'tar. Positioned at a seventeen-degree angle relative to Coruscant's ecliptic, the ring comprised dust, gravel, and hardened magma fragments. Observers on the planet's surface saw the Rings of Coruscant occupying nearly a third of the sky, appearing as a brilliant rainbow of colors; the ring's luminescence surpassed the reflected light from most moons during the night. Coruscant's sun illuminated the Rings of Coruscant during the day, giving them a jeweled appearance. After the sentient planet Zonama Sekot struck the ring, much of it dispersed, though it persisted as a planetary ring around Coruscant.


The Rings of Coruscant as seen from Coruscant's surface a century after the Yuuzhan Vong War

In 25 ABY, the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong species commenced their invasion of the galaxy, engaging entities such as the New Republic in the Yuuzhan Vong War. In 27 ABY, the invaders seized Coruscant, the New Republic's capital planet. With the intention of replicating their destroyed homeworld, Yuuzhan'tar, the Vong initiated this process by destroying Coruscant's largest moon utilizing dovin basals that manipulated gravity. These dovin basals were interconnected through the telepathic abilities of yammosk creatures. The Bridge was formed from the resulting debris, which the dovin basals organized into a planetary ring to emulate the ring that once surrounded Yuuzhan'tar. After terraforming Coruscant to mirror Yuuzhan'tar, the captured planet was renamed after the Yuuzhan Vong's homeworld.

For the Yuuzhan Vong, who had adopted the new Yuuzhan'tar as their home, the Bridge symbolized communication between them and their high god, Yun-Yuuzhan. However, in 29 ABY, as the Galactic Alliance, the New Republic's successor, and its allies mobilized to reclaim Yuuzhan'tar, the sentient planet Zonama Sekot, capable of hyperspace travel, executed a hyperspace jump that positioned it in Yuuzhan'tar's orbit, thereby shattering much of the Bridge. Following the ring's fragmentation, as the Galactic Alliance assaulted Yuuzhan'tar, Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane asserted that he had received a prophecy foretelling the Bridge's destruction before an ultimate Yuuzhan Vong victory, using this revelation to galvanize his forces in an attack against Zonama Sekot. Nonetheless, the Galactic Alliance defeated the Yuuzhan Vong, retook Yuuzhan'tar, and restored its name to Coruscant.

Although the Zonama Sekot incident compromised the Bridge's integrity, the planetary ring remained around Coruscant a century later, during the time of Emperor Roan Fel's reign. By this point, it was known as the Rings of Coruscant and had become a popular tourist destination, despite the presence of wild nexu creatures in the vicinity of the planetary ruins.

Behind the scenes

The Rings of Coruscant, initially named the Bridge, made their debut in Matthew Stover's Traitor, a 2002 novel that was part of The New Jedi Order series. The planetary ring later reappeared, receiving the alternate name "rainbow bridge," in two subsequent volumes of The New Jedi Order series, The Final Prophecy and The Unifying Force, authored by Greg Keyes and James Luceno, respectively, and published in 2003. In 2006, the Bridge was identified as the Rings of Coruscant in Star Wars: Legacy (2006) 0, the pre-release supplement to the Star Wars: Legacy comic series, before appearing in several issues of the series. The 2003 reference book Coruscant and the Core Worlds erroneously stated that all four of Coruscant's moons were destroyed to create the bridge.

