
Orloc styled himself as an Emperor's Mage and falsely asserted that he possessed Force powers. He was characterized by dark hair and a beard, along with yellowish-brown eyes.


As is the case with numerous other criminals, details surrounding Orloc's formative years and the genesis of his spurious Jedi Order remain unknown. It was established that Orloc was once an Imperial Intelligence agent who was posing as a Prophet of the Dark Side. Furthermore, he was among the few who survived the massacre inflicted upon the false Prophets by Grand Admiral Afsheen Makati.

Subsequently, Orloc absconded to the obscure asteroid of Borgo Prime, where he integrated himself with the criminal underworld and ultimately established his own criminal syndicate. Orloc also commanded the allegiance of several pirates and smugglers, including a band of Ranat mercenaries and pirate droids. In 22 ABY, Orloc received information from an unidentified informant indicating that the lightsaber belonging to Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was stored within Bast Castle on the remote planet Vjun.

Accompanied by his subordinates, Orloc journeyed to Vjun. However, upon reaching the chamber housing the Jedi artifact, he encountered the Jedi instructor Tionne Solusar alongside her pupils Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, and Uldir Lochett, as well as the Kushiban Jedi Master Ikrit. Orloc declared himself a Mage proficient in the Force. However, the two groups were unable to reach an understanding, resulting in a fight. During the conflict, Orloc's accomplices managed to seize Kenobi's lightsaber.

In response, the Jedi pursued Orloc and his henchmen through Bast Castle. During an altercation, Orloc easily overpowered Ikrit in lightsaber combat due to the Kushiban's lack of a lightsaber. He also manipulated Uldir by promising to impart all the Force abilities he desired. Nevertheless, the other Jedi managed to rescue Uldir and escape Bast Castle, taking with them Kenobi's lightsaber and the holocron of the ancient Jedi Master Asli Krimsan.

Despite having evaded Orloc, Uldir remained convinced that the Mage possessed the ability to unlock his latent Force powers, a feat that no one at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 had been able to accomplish. Subsequently, Uldir commandeered Ikrit's starship Sunrider (named in honor of Nomi Sunrider) along with the two Jedi artifacts recovered during the earlier expedition to Bast Castle.

He eventually located Orloc at an abandoned space station known as Exis Station, where Tionne had previously encountered Luke Skywalker years prior during her search for relics. Upon arriving at the derelict space city, Orloc accepted Uldir as his apprentice. The Mage had already established his base on the moon and intended to establish his own Jedi Order. In truth, Orloc possessed no Force powers and had instead relied on advanced technology to deceive others with demonstrations of supposed "Force power." Uldir remained unaware of this deception.

Unfortunately for Orloc, Uldir's Jedi companions Tionne, Ikrit, Anakin, and Tahiri embarked on a mission to locate Uldir aboard their transport Lore Seeker and eventually discovered Exis Station. Upon their arrival, they attempted to convince Uldir that Orloc was a fraud and that he had been deceived. The Mage retaliated by attacking the four Jedi with his advanced technological devices, who defended themselves using the Force.

During the duel, Orloc injured Tionne, and Ikrit, who had vowed not to wield a lightsaber until he had found worthy students, made his decision and joined Anakin and Tahiri in their fight. Uldir then realized that Orloc was nothing more than a charlatan who used technology to deceive others with false demonstrations of Force prowess. Together, the Jedi defeated Orloc. He escaped and was never heard from again.

