Jemlaat-class in-system sail yacht

The Jemlaat-class in-system sail yacht, a creation of Hyrotil Engineering, represented an age-old solar sailer design. Featuring a stout, reddish-orange hull, it also possessed expansive, metallic orange sails. These sails extended from the vessel's sides and retracted upon landing. The Jemlaat utilized these solar sails to capture interstellar radiation and leverage the energy of the solar wind. Certain iterations incorporated hyperdrive capabilities.

However, the sails' constraints could present drawbacks during slower-than-light interstellar journeys. This was possible if stars were close enough to provide sufficient solar winds, but this was often a hazardous situation. To address instances where a yacht became stranded between stars with inadequate solar winds, Jemlaat-class yachts were outfitted with an auxiliary sublight engine.

Hyrotil Engineering also manufactured a version of the Jemlaat-class yacht that only had sails, restricting its usage to racing competitions.

Known ships

