Tusken Cave

The Tusken Cave was a cave situated on the planet of Tatooine. This cave, which served as a dwelling for the Sand People (also known as Tusken Raiders), was not far from the Darklighter family's estate.


Around the time of the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, the Tusken Raiders made this cave their new home.

Luke Skywalker made a visit to the cave around the time of the Battle of Tatooine. During his time there, he engaged in combat with Tusken Raiders, as well as the dangerous creatures that resided in the cave, such as sand flies and sand slugs.

The Tusken Cave, with the Darklighter estate in the distance

Dera Darklighter, the daughter of Huff Darklighter, lived near the Darklighter estate and developed a fascination with the Tusken Raiders who had taken up residence in the cave. In 1 ABY, she ventured into the desert to investigate, much to her father's dismay, who was concerned for her well-being. To ensure her safety, Huff hired a spacer to find her. The spacer located Dera, who was irritated by her father's lack of faith in her abilities. However, Dera wanted to use the spacer's skills to eliminate the Tuskens in the cave, as she believed they posed a threat to the surrounding area.

The interior of the Tusken Cave

The Tuskens inhabiting the cave were particularly cruel. The spacer agreed to assist Dera and eliminated at least two dozen Tusken Flesh Renders and Blood Hunters. To sufficiently slow down the Tusken Raider attacks until a larger force could be assembled, the vile Tusken chieftain needed to be eliminated. Ultimately, he was also killed by the spacer's superior skills. With the Tusken threat reduced, Dera was confident that they would be slowed down long enough for a larger fighting force to completely eliminate them.

Behind the scenes

The Tusken Cave was a location featured in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and released by LucasArts before its closure on December 15, 2011. The Tusken Cave was incorporated into the game as part of the updated Darklighter's Estate questline, which was introduced with the release of "Publish 25," also known as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005.

