The Tatooine Campaign transpired around 4 ABY. The Rogue Squadron unit found themselves in opposition to both Imperial Captain Marl Semtin and the criminal figure Firith Olan, all vying for dominion over the clandestine Eidolon Base.
Rogue Squadron received orders to travel to the planet of Tatooine to provide assistance to Winter who was undertaking a secret investigation. Winter's plan involved attending a gathering hosted by Huff Darklighter, which was intended to commemorate the anniversary of Biggs Darklighter's passing at the Battle of Yavin alongside Wedge Antilles, Elscol Loro and Tycho Celchu. Meanwhile, the other members of Rogue Squadron found themselves hired in a local cantina by Kapp Dendo for a raid on the Darklighter estate. This raid was, in reality, a diversion orchestrated by Winter to facilitate the theft of a crucial disk from Huff's possession.
However, when the moment for the diversion arrived, it wasn't Kapp's team who executed the theft of the disk. Instead, an external group managed to seize it. This secondary group of raiders appeared to be working for a Twi'lek crime lord known as Firith Olan. The Rogues later discovered from Huff Darklighter and Winter that the stolen disk held a map leading to a significant Imperial weapons cache: the Eidolon Base. Olan's objective was to exploit this cache to elevate his status in the black market and amass the necessary power to become the next governor of Tatooine. As the Rogues made their way to the base in their X-wings with the aim of stopping the Twi'lek, Olan commanded his TIE interceptors, acquired from the base, to launch into the skies. As the aerial battle commenced, Olan's TIEs were reinforced by Imperial TIE fighters dispatched by Captain Marl Semtin, who was stationed aboard the Star Destroyer Harrow in orbit.

Olan successfully fled in a spacecraft to the planet Ryloth, prompting the Rebels and Imperials to pursue him. Upon their arrival, Cazne'olan, the leader of the Olan Clan, arranged a competition where two Imperials and two Rogues would race to a "globe of victory" to determine who would be granted the right to apprehend Olan. The Imperial commandos, Sixtus Quin and Septaas, emerged victorious but were subsequently betrayed by their captain. Olan escaped with Semtin, who had no intention of waiting for the race's conclusion, leaving his soldiers to face potential slavery. Consequently, the Imperial troopers chose to align themselves with the New Republic.

They all returned to Tatooine, where Semtin had placed Olan in command of Eidolon Base. While Rogue Squadron launched an aerial assault against the TIE fighters, a ground assault was initiated, involving Winter, Kapp Dendo, and the former Imperial troopers. The Rebels successfully secured the weapon cache, and Sixtus exacted his revenge by eliminating Semtin.
Following the conflict, the weapons were handed over to the Tatooine government. Elscol Loro made the decision to collaborate with Sixtus Quinn in leading a Rebel ground attack force.
Upon his return to Jabba's Palace, Firith Olan's brain was extracted and transplanted into a spider droid, while Bib Fortuna's consciousness was transferred into a new body: Olan's.