
Cazne'olan was a member of the Twi'lek species and functioned as one of the prominent figures within the Olan Clan. This clan was situated in the city known as Kala'uun, found on the planet Ryloth.


This Twi'lek male, advanced in years and possessing a robust build, had noticeably thin lekku and pink skin marked by wrinkles. He existed during the same period as Nawara Ven and Koh'shak. He harbored a deep dislike for the path his cousin, Firith Olan, had taken. Consequently, when Firith sought refuge with him, Cazne'olan devised a scheme to sell his relative to the highest bidder. Cazne'olan meticulously planned a meeting between Rogue Squadron and Imperial Captain Marl Semtin, compelling Rogue Leader Wedge Antilles and Winter to engage in combat with Sixtus Quin and Septaas in order to gain information regarding the whereabouts of Firith and Eidolon Base.

However, Cazne'olan demonstrated his belief that criminal activity ultimately leads to negative consequences, both for Firith and for the Galactic Empire. He achieved this by staging the aforementioned battle within a virtual reality setting, where all participants were engulfed by a simulated heat storm. Within this virtual game, the Empire emerged victorious, with Sixtus successfully claiming the prize. Despite this outcome, Semtin secretly used bribery to gain access to the higher levels of Kala'uun and subsequently took Firith, presumably without compensating Cazne'olan with the agreed-upon payment.

Later in time, Cazne'olan found himself once again in the company of Antilles during Rogue Squadron's undertaking to acquire ryll kor to assist in combating the Krytos virus. Building upon the foundation of mutual respect established during their previous interaction, Cazne'olan provided support to Antilles in his negotiations with Kala'uun Starport master Koh'shak. Furthermore, during the subsequent twi'janii, he addressed the squadron leader's inquiries about Twi'lek culture and conveyed the dancer Sienn'rha's offer of a private dance to him.

