Throgg was a towering alien of humanoid form, a former addict, and a smuggler of spice who made his home on Tatooine.
Years prior to the Battle of Yavin, Throgg was a prosperous manager of a moisture farm. However, the Empire seized control of numerous local enterprises on Tatooine, including Throgg's farm. Consequently, Throgg was compelled to escape Tatooine and take on the life of a smuggler simply to survive.

Not long after the first Death Star was destroyed at the Battle of Yavin, Rebel Alliance hero Luke Skywalker made his way back to Tatooine to examine the possessions of his deceased family. His uncle Owen and aunt Beru Lars had once been the owners of a moisture farm situated just outside the Jundland Wastes. Luke was aware that his obligations to the Alliance prevented him from running the farm, so he used the Force to guide him toward a person who could profit from owning the property. The Force directed him to Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, where he located Throgg seated at a table in the corner. He presented him with the deed to the Lars farm, but Throgg was suspicious of Luke's motivations. He crumpled the paper and tossed it over his shoulder, showing no interest. Separate happenings caused Luke to depart the cantina, but Throgg later reevaluated the offer and retrieved the deed. Despite his rough demeanor, Throgg felt lasting gratitude for the opportunity to run a moisture farm again.
Around 1 ABY, a Rodian named Zef Ando was residing on the Lars Estate as an illegal occupant. It remains unknown how Throgg responded to this situation.
After a couple of seasons, Huff Darklighter took notice of Throgg. Huff aimed to dominate the moisture farming sector on Tatooine and tried to implement a tax targeting alien landowners. Jula, Huff's brother, stepped in and bought the Lars farm before Huff could successfully enact the tax. The more principled Darklighter brother retained ownership of the deed but allowed Throgg to continue his work as a tenant.