Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope

title: Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope (First Edition)

Authored by Grant S. Boucher and brought to publication by West End Games, the initial version of Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope serves as a companion piece to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. It debuted in 1989 and underwent a re-editing process, incorporating significant expansions, in 1995. The book adopts an in-universe writing style, presenting itself as the scholarly work of a Rebel historian.

The guide provides detailed character descriptions, complete with roleplaying statistics, for both primary and select secondary figures featured in the film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope[/article/star_wars:_episode_iv_a_new_hope). This publication marked the first instance of establishing comprehensive backstories, species, planetary details, and nomenclature for various elements depicted in the movie. Many of these elements were subsequently reintroduced following the 2014 Legends declaration, integrating them into the present-day Star Wars canon.

The second edition saw release in 1995. The key modification in this updated edition involves adjusting the provided statistics to align with the Second Edition rules. Furthermore, the content was broadened to encompass vehicles, spacecraft, and equipment, extending beyond the original guide's exclusive focus on characters.

From the publisher

At last, it's here! A complete compendium of information, stats, and histories regarding the heroes and villains of the original Star Wars film! This all-encompassing guide to the Star Wars galaxy elaborates on the Imperials, Rebels, and aliens involved in the pivotal weeks leading up to the Battle of Yavin.

As the first in a series of guides dedicated to the greatest space fantasy film ever made, A New Hope delivers character histories and previously unrevealed information, making this volume essential for both movie enthusiasts and players of the Star Wars game.



Tatooine Profiles

Death Star Profiles

Yavin Profiles

Interviews with the Heroes of Yavin

A Long Time Ago...

