This assault transpired after the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo during 32 BBY, a time when the Royal Naboo Security Forces were in dire need of allies. Captain Kael and Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes from the Security Forces had allied themselves with Borvo the Hutt, only to be betrayed when Borvo killed Kael. The Hutt's scheme involved selling Naboo civilians, previously rescued from the Federation by Kael and Sykes, into slavery. Sykes, accompanied by fellow Bravo Squadron pilots Vedd Deviss and Lutin Hollis, took to the skies in N-1 starfighters, separating to pursue the Hutt to his stronghold on Porso Hill. Deviss spotted the Hutt making his way towards Porso Hill and relayed this information to Sykes, who surged ahead and commenced his attack. After navigating through a swarm of enemy starfighters, Sykes encountered the mercenary Kol Kotha, who guided the Naboo pilot to Porso Hill but was forced to retreat due to damage sustained by his starfighter. Sykes then engaged the Hutt's personal transport, while his newly-arrived wingmen provided covering fire, ultimately compelling the Hutt to flee.
The partnership between the Naboo pilots of Bravo Squadron and Hutt smuggler Borvo during the Invasion of Naboo in the year 32 BBY had proven to be beneficial. The Naboo resistance forces managed to launch an offensive attack against the Trade Federation, and with Borvo's assistance, they liberated Trade Federation slave labor camps. However, Borvo only maintained the alliance as long as it served his interests; he eventually betrayed the resistance, murdering the flight commander, Captain Kael, and seizing the prisoners to sell them into slavery. Consequently, he incurred the wrath of Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes, who was driven to avenge his captain and rescue his people. Sykes, along with two wingmen, Vedd Deviss and Lutin Hollis, piloting N-1 starfighters, tracked down the Hutt on Porso Hill and flew to intercept him.
As Sykes neared Borvo's location on Porso Hill, he received a warning from one of the Hutt's starfighters, demanding that he stay away, but Sykes refused to comply. Subsequently, the Hutt's fighters engaged him in combat, and he retaliated by shooting them down while evading their fire and that from laser turrets. After neutralizing that threat, Sykes destroyed a barrier of mines obstructing his path. Kol Kotha, one of the Hutt's mercenaries and a former wingmate of Sykes, approached him directly, imploring the Naboo pilot not to fire on him so that he could explain his desire to help. Sykes cautiously accepted his assistance, instructing Kotha to guide him to the Hutt. The two continued onward, enduring fire from additional turrets. Kotha led Sykes to the Hutt but was compelled to withdraw after his starfighter sustained damage and experienced a weapons malfunction.
During his journey, Sykes detected homing torpedo technology that could potentially benefit the Naboo resistance. By clearing away the surrounding trees, he successfully acquired this valuable technology.

As Sykes approached the Hutt, Borvo launched his freighter. Adela Tyché, the freighter's pilot, contacted Sykes and conveyed Borvo's offer of a bribe to entice the Naboo pilot to join him. Upon Sykes' refusal, the remaining Hutt fighters launched to defend the freighter as Deviss and Hollis arrived to support Sykes. Sykes instructed them to target the freighter while he provided cover, but the two were out of torpedoes. Sykes instead proceeded to attack the freighter himself while the other pilots provided cover. Despite the barrage of fire from turrets, Sykes inflicted significant damage on Borvo's ship; as it exploded, the cockpit detached, sending Borvo and Tyché fleeing in retreat.
After Borvo escaped in the freighter's cockpit, the remaining Hutt pilots fled with it, and the Naboo pilots ended their pursuit. Kotha rejoined the Naboo pilots and congratulated Sykes on forcing Borvo to return to Nal Hutta, the Hutt's homeworld. With this threat eliminated, Sykes desired to resume fighting the Federation, but he believed that the Resistance needed more pilots. Kotha mentioned that, during his service to Borvo, he had scouted Trade Federation camps that the pilots could liberate, and the quartet proceeded to achieve that objective.
This battle is featured in the 2000 video game Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo. The Homing Torpedo upgrade is hidden within the level; acquiring it fulfills the bonus objective. The ending cinematic reflects the number of Hutt starfighters observed fleeing with Borvo, depending on how many are shot down during the second part of the level.