Liberation of Camp Four

The Trade Federation's Camp Four detention center was freed during the events of the Naboo Invasion in 32 BBY. Because the Trade Federation had forced into servitude the majority of the planet's population and placed them in installations like Camp Four, Naboo's Bravo Squadron sought to secure its freedom, bolstering the ranks of the Naboo Resistance as they geared up to reclaim their world from the invading force. The pilots of Bravo Squadron infiltrated the camp, battling their way through formations of droid starfighters to get inside. Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes commandeered a Federation speeder to slip into the camp unnoticed, while the other pilots provided aerial support as he released the captives.


In 32 BBY, the Trade Federation launched an assault and subsequently occupied the world of Naboo, subjecting many of its inhabitants to slavery. Numerous key figures from Naboo were incarcerated within the walls of Camp Four, a prison, while Padmé Amidala, the Queen of Naboo, was compelled to flee to Tatooine. As the struggle for Naboo's control intensified, the conflict became increasingly desperate. The Bravo Squadron of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, having resolved a situation involving Borvo the Hutt, a treacherous smuggler, needed to regain the upper hand. To achieve this, the squadron embarked on a mission to free prison camps and gather new soldiers. Kol Kotha, a former associate of Borvo, had previously surveyed the camps and suggested Camp Four as their primary target.

The liberation

The valley

The squadron's initial task was to pinpoint the camp's location. Under the cloak of night, Bravo Squadron moved into a valley, where Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes, the flight leader, instructed the pilots to heed Kotha's reconnaissance briefing. Kotha revealed intelligence suggesting that Camp Four was situated in an area north of the valley. The Trade Federation had thoroughly exploited the region for its own purposes. Lutin Hollis, one of the pilots, deviated from formation to scout for the camp, suspecting that his family might be held there. His actions compromised the squadron's position when he flew into an area occupied by an installation linked to Camp Four, prompting the base to deploy a swarm of droid starfighters and a landing craft. Sykes ordered the flight to scatter and engage, forcing the squadron to retreat under intense fire from the base and a missile turret. The landing craft continued its journey through the valley, delivering speeders to processing centers.

Skyes pursued and downed the landing craft, which attempted to defend itself by launching airborne mines from a rear-mounted launcher. Sykes dedicated its destruction to Naboo.

Simultaneously, more starfighters and bombers targeted local farms. Kotha argued that they lacked the time to intervene, but the Naboo pilots engaged and eliminated the attackers regardless. With that threat neutralized, they resumed their search for the camp, flying over three gunboats patrolling the nearby sea. The sensors on Sykes' N-1 starfighter detected Camp Four in the valley below, which he reported to the squadron, warning them to be wary of anti-air defenses. Navigating through a canyon, the squadron discovered a Trade Federation hangar deploying troop carriers. Kotha suggested finding a way to infiltrate the camp from the ground. He also theorized that the Federation was using the speeders to transport prisoners from across the planet, and Sykes realized the speeders were heading directly into the camp. After eliminating the defending starfighter force, Sykes landed in the hangar and commandeered a Heavy STAP. He programmed several unoccupied troop carriers to enter the base and followed them inside.

The Camp

Sykes near the first cell block

Upon entering the gates, the battle droids scanned the transports and realized they were empty. They ordered Sykes to halt, but when he continued towards the camp, the base went on high alert. Tanks and Heavy STAPs emerged from their hangars, but Sykes managed to destroy them. He ascended the nearby cliff and located the first cell blocks. Kotha attempted to strafe the camp's power supply in his starfighter but missed, and subsequent fire from laser turrets forced him to retreat, compelling Sykes to destroy it himself before advancing to the next cell block.

Once inside, the prisoners called out to him. Sykes instructed them to stand back so he could breach the door. After being freed, the prisoners fled to nearby civilian speeders, and Sykes escorted them uphill to the next set of cell blocks, destroying turrets and droids along the way. The rescued prisoners took cover behind a security hangar while Sykes switched to a Gian speeder inside. He emerged into a storm of fire from the defense turrets. Hollis strafed the camp, creating a breach in a wall so Sykes could destroy the next generator and disable the laser fencing. Sykes successfully freed the prisoners in that block and then ascended another cliff to take down the generators powering the entrance to the next section of the camp.


As Sykes escorted the prisoners downhill towards the last group of cell blocks, they were ambushed and trapped by more tanks and fighters. Hollis flew in and eliminated several tanks, also creating a hole in the wall. The breach allowed Sykes to destroy the last generator. Sykes freed the remaining prisoners and ascended a separate hill to destroy the generator powering the rear gate. After Hollis' strafing run, Sykes instructed him to clear the area, stating that they would handle it from there.

On the way down from the generator, Sykes discovered advanced laser technology, which proved valuable to the Naboo Resistance.

With the gates disabled, the rescued prisoners were able to escape. Sykes led them out while engaging the remaining droids.


With the camp liberated, the Resistance gained new recruits, including several experienced commanders. With a strengthened force, the Resistance turned its attention to recapturing the capital city after Naboo's Queen returned and formed an agreement with the Gungan Grand Army.

Behind the scenes

The mission to rescue the prisoners of Camp Four was featured in the 2000 video game Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo. The mission unfolded in two segments: one involving a starfighter searching for the camp and the other involving a speeder rescuing the prisoners. The mission would not progress until the starfighters near the hangar were destroyed. During the mission, it was possible to locate an upgrade. Acquiring it fulfilled the bonus objective. Switching speeders mid-mission was an available option, and playing as the Heavy STAP was also possible. Destroying the landing craft was optional as well; its flight path could be traced to the camp, and if left undisturbed, the ship would fly into the camp. Furthermore, the player was not required to release the prisoners, only to destroy the power generators in the camp, although failing to do so affected the "friendlies rescued" score. This article assumes 100 percent game completion.

The event was also referenced in Gavyn Sykes' entry in 2008's The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia and was later discussed in the 2011 magazine Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 62.

