The Seraph-class urban landspeeder, often referred to as the Flash speeder, represented a compact landspeeder utilized by the Naboo Royal Security Forces (RSF).

The Seraph-class urban landspeeder should be considered a specific adaptation of the broader Seraph-class landspeeder, which was originally intended for civilian use.
This militarized version found its purpose within the ranks of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, serving as both a patrol vehicle and a means of personnel transport. To better fulfill these roles, the Seraph was equipped with a rotating blaster turret situated at the vehicle's rear. A lone driver was responsible for operating the Seraph, while the open-topped interior could comfortably accommodate up to three additional passengers.
Propulsion for the vehicle was provided by repulsorlift engines, enabling it to hover up to two meters above the ground and achieve a maximum velocity of 200 kilometers per hour. With its design prioritizing urban functionality, the Seraph proved more effective at navigating city streets than handling rough, uneven landscapes.

First appearing in 61 BBY, the Seraph-class urban landspeeder was conceived as a complement to the larger V-19 "Gian" speeder. The RSF's belief that the Gian Speeder lacked the necessary maneuverability for effective urban patrols fueled the vehicle's creation. The new vehicle quickly gained popularity among RSF personnel stationed in the capital city of Theed, prompting other urban centers like Keren to adopt the Seraph as well.
Prior to the Invasion of Naboo, Seraph-class urban landspeeders saw limited action, primarily engaging in criminal apprehension and the dispatch of officers. On occasion, these vehicles were deployed to pursue gun runners working for Borvo the Hutt or to drive away wild animals that had wandered into urban areas.

During the 32 BBY Invasion of Naboo, the invading droid armies of the Trade Federation destroyed a significant number of Seraph-class vehicles serving with the RSF. As resistance groups started organizing across the planet, the remaining Seraph units were repurposed to facilitate communication between cells and conduct reconnaissance missions. When Queen Padmé Amidala allied with the Gungans to initiate the Second Battle of Theed, Seraph landspeeders transported her, Captain Quarsh Panaka, and a strike team into Theed's clandestine tunnels, enabling them to infiltrate the palace and capture Nute Gunray.
During the invasion, civilians operated an unarmed model lacking shielding.
Following the Battle of Naboo, the RSF commissioned heavily armored versions of the Seraph and integrated them into their vehicle inventory.
By 21 BBY, the Separatist terrorist Perrive was in possession of a Flash Speeder, which was eventually commandeered by Kal Skirata and Walon Vau after his death during the Mission to Coruscant.
In the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, several RSF Seraph landspeeders mysteriously vanished, only to reappear later within the ranks of the burgeoning Rebel Alliance.

The Seraph-class urban landspeeder made its debut in 1999 with the theatrical release of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.
The speeder also featured in the 2001 video game Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo.
A Flash speeder deed was offered as an exclusive pre-order bonus from GameStop for those who pre-ordered the Jump to Lightspeed expansion pack for Star Wars Galaxies. Functionally, it mirrored other in-game vehicles, offering no performance advantages beyond its unique aesthetic. However, it possessed a special feature that allowed players to quickly reclaim it through a specific command if their current speeder was destroyed.