Battle of the Sacred Place

A conflict unfolded on Naboo at the Gungan Sacred Place after Otoh Gunga was evacuated during 32 BBY.

The Conflict

Escaping Otoh Gunga

The conflict occurred on Naboo after the inhabitants of Otoh Gunga fled in 32 BBY.

Boss Nass arrived at the Gungan Sacred Place.

Having escaped from Otoh Gunga, Boss Rugor Nass, along with three Bongo Advanced Scouts, engaged in combat with several Trade Federation Patrol Boats and colo claw fish before they made it to the Gungan Sacred Place which was situated near the Gallo Mountains. A substantial force of Gungan soldiers, having also abandoned the city, awaited him there. Upon his arrival, a scout delivered intelligence regarding a nearby Federation encampment. OOM-9 was in command of the encampment and was nearby overseeing the arrival of a droid transport ship, but he was not physically present at the camp itself. Nass issued an order to obliterate the encampment, and his Gungan forces swiftly executed the directive. They annihilated all B1-series battle droids located at the site and completely destroyed the structures, suffering minimal losses in the process.

The Naboo's Arrival

Boss Nass and the Gungans had little time for celebration, as Queen Padmé Amidala had just made landfall in the swamps, accompanied by Captain Quarsh Panaka, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, and their respective retinues. She requested authorization to proceed to the Sacred Place. Boss Nass granted their request, and the Naboo party proceeded through the swamps on foot. They engaged in multiple skirmishes with Trade Federation soldiers, who were at times already engaged in combat with members of the Resistance who had retreated into the swamps. At one point, they were joined by a pair of Naboo light scout frigates and an aquatic transport, which they utilized to destroy a Federation Ocean Troop Transport and to navigate the swamp.

During their journey, the two Jedi engaged a sizable contingent of over 50 Federation battle droids in a dried-up riverbed, including one OOM-series command droid. The Jedi pair also disrupted a command center. Continuing past it, they destroyed 3 Plasma battle droids and an additional 26 battle droids.

Subsequently, they encountered 5 more Plasma battle droids guarding a bridge, along with additional battle droids, some equipped with missile launchers. After traversing the bridge, the Jedi utilized Force Jumped through some ruins while avoiding being consumed by carnivorous plants and kreetles.

After the ruins, they entered the swamps and confronted seven more battle droids and additional carnivorous plants. They also successfully evaded a Gungan pit trap filled with kreetles.

Close to the sacred place, they were challenged by thirteen Gungan warriors; the two Jedi repelled them using non-lethal methods. Subsequently, they encountered the Gungan Security Chief. The Chief was defeated in a brief duel with the Jedi. During the duel, he repeatedly jumped onto a statue to throw boomas or summon reinforcements—other Gungan warriors and kaadu. Believing that the Jedi had been weakened by his warriors, the Chief re-engaged the two Jedi with his electropole, but he was ultimately defeated. Impressed by their abilities, he permitted the Naboo to proceed to meet Boss Nass.

After the Conflict

They soon got to the Sacred Place, where Amidala revealed her identity to Nass as the Queen of Naboo and pleaded for his assistance. Nass consented to join forces with her to liberate Naboo. The Naboo security volunteers awaited Captain Panaka's instructions, as did several dozen members of the Naboo Underground. The Sith Lord Darth Maul covertly monitored the events using probe droids. Largely due to Jar Jar Bink's pivotal role in uniting the Gungans and the Naboo, Nass not only rescinded Bink's exile but also promoted the Gungan to Bombad General, much to Bink's dismay. The Gungan composer Augara Jowil was present and, deeply moved by the events she had witnessed, composed the "Symponik Nabooalla" to commemorate the unification of the two peoples. The piece was subsequently performed at the peace ceremony that followed the end of the war.

Behind the Scenes

The Queen's meeting with the Gungans was initially depicted in materials associated with Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which was released in 1999. Subsequent releases elaborated on the details surrounding the meeting.

The video game Star Wars: Episode I Jedi Power Battles, released in 2000, showcased the Jedi's approach to the Sacred Place. The game's strategy guide provided guidance on navigating the mission. Defeating the battle droids is not mandatory; many can be bypassed. Defeating the Gungan NPCs in the mission causes them to flee, though it is possible to kill them permanently. Regardless, the player earns points for their actions.

The 2001 video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds depicted the Gungans' retreat to the Sacred Place. The game's strategy guide detailed the optimal strategy for completing the mission. The guide advised leading Nass and company slowly toward the sacred place to avoid one of the creatures. After the Federation outpost is destroyed, the game shifts perspective and control to the Queen and her escorts. Two Naboo repeater troopers replace the pilots and guards seen in the movie. The guide recommended sending Jinn and Kenobi ahead to deal with ambushes, then retreating to heal their hitpoints. The game ends if any of the named "hero" characters die. Using a cheat code to reveal the entire map shows OOM-9 in the corner with a landing craft.

