Airborne mine

Airborne mines functioned as explosive armaments during the time surrounding the Invasion of Naboo circa 32 BBY. These mines remained immobile until a target was detected, typically a starfighter. Upon target acquisition, the mines would chase the target until detonation occurred, or the target moved beyond the mine's operational range, at which point the mine would cease its pursuit. Furthermore, they could function in the vacuum of space, and spatial variants were equipped with an integrated laser cannon. The Trade Federation utilized these mines extensively throughout their occupation of the planet Naboo, deploying them as defensive measures for facilities like the orbiting satellite Comm 4, a base, and the Trade Federation Airbase. The smuggler Borvo the Hutt also made use of these mines to protect the entry point to his outpost. A significant quantity of these mines were eliminated by Royal Naboo Security Forces pilot Gavyn Sykes.

Behind the scenes

These mines are featured in the 2000 video game titled Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo.

