Attack on disabled base

During the Naboo Invasion of 32 BBY, a Trade Federation installation that was temporarily out of commission became the target of an attack by the Naboo people's resistance fighters. Bravo Squadron of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, under the command of Captain Kael and his fellow pilots, formed an alliance with a Hutt smuggling syndicate and devised a plan to strike against the Trade Federation. Their initial triumph involved the destruction of Comm 4, a space-based element of the Federation's communications network, which was responsible for transmitting a control signal to the base located on the planet below.

Once the control signal was severed, the base entered a dormant state, rendering it susceptible to an assault. The pilots descended back to the planet's surface and launched their attack on the base, which comprised numerous platforms scattered across the landscape. However, the pilots were caught in an ambush when the base unexpectedly reactivated, forcing them to eliminate a barrier of flying mines to advance further into the complex. The group battled their way through the base, overcoming its defenses, before successfully detonating the deflector shield generator that protected the command center. This allowed Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes to land and commandeer a gunboat for use as a diversion. Subsequently, his squadmates departed the area as Federation reinforcements began to arrive.


In 32 BBY, the Trade Federation, controlled by Neimoidian leaders, initiated an invasion of the planetary system of Naboo in response to a commercial disagreement within the Galactic Senate, leading the Royal Naboo Security Forces to defend their native world. Utilizing information provided by Borvo, the Hutt head of a smuggling ring, the Resistance faction, spearheaded by Captain Kael of Bravo Squadron, launched their initial strike against the Trade Federation Droid Army. Borvo's soldiers of fortune and the Naboo airmen disabled Comm 4, a satellite in orbit that, as a component of the Trade Federation communication network, relayed the command signal to a Federation installation on the planet. After taking out the satellite and forcing the base into a dormant state, the five fighter pilots, flying N-1 starfighters and another spacecraft, sped down to eliminate the base itself. Kael commanded them to obliterate all Federation targets.

The attack


As they approached the canyon where the base's various platforms were positioned, the pilots eliminated multiple inactive laser batteries. However, their progress was halted by a wall of airborne proximity mines. While they were attempting to disable the base's initial three platforms, the base unexpectedly reactivated much earlier than anticipated, and the turrets began firing upon the Resistance fighters. The pilots destroyed the turrets and the mines, and proceeded into the next section of the base.


The pilots located and destroyed another gun platform before moving on to destroy a platform supporting a building. The building was protected by two laser cannons in the water and a nearby missile launcher. When the area was cleared of Federation forces, Kael ordered his pilots to rejoin formation. As he led them toward the next part of the canyon, they were met by Vulture droid starfighters, about which Naboo pilot Vedd Deviss informed his compatriots. A C-9979 landing craft took off from the base at the same time.

The Naboo coalition engaged the droid starfighters as they continued on to the next section of the base, where they found buildings protected by turrets, which they cleared as well. Moving along the canyon, they destroyed the next platform, which was protected by Ostracoda-class gunboats in addition to laser turrets. Kael ordered his team to move on once the Federation presence in the area was annihilated.

Naboo Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes then flew off the path and acquired advanced proton bomb technology in a burned-out building after clearing away the surrounding Federation defenses. As Sykes rejoined the formation, which was flying over a destroyed dome with Federation turrets nearby, the mercenary pilot Adela Tyché commented that the Trade Federation had been there already.

Control Center

Flying through the next part of the canyon, the Naboo pilots reached the base control center, where they planned to steal a Federation gunboat. The command center was protected by a deflector shield, which Sykes had to disable to steal the gunboat while Tyché provided supporting fire. Once the defenses were destroyed, Sykes landed his N-1 starfighter and absconded with a gunboat, shooting through a wall that blocked his path to the Andrevea River. The other fighters were unable to escort him, as Federation reinforcements were inbound. Kael ordered Sykes to continue, as the Captain surmised the Federation would think Sykes was an escaping Neimoidian.


With his stolen gunboat, Sykes traveled down the Andrevea River and reached several Federation camps holding enslaved Naboo citizens, whom he and his team freed. Eventually, Borvo double-crossed the Naboo fighters and killed Captain Kael, taking control of the rescued slaves. Sykes and his wingmen in turn stopped the Hutt before returning to fighting the Trade Federation.

Behind the scenes

The attack on the disabled base appears in the seventh mission of the 2000 video game Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo. It is not necessary to destroy every Trade Federation emplacement, although this article assumes full game completion. During the course of the mission, picking up the advanced proton bomb upgrade will fulfill the bonus objective and provide a technology boost to the player's craft for the rest of the game.

