CL-1c Lancet interceptors represented a line of diminutive starfighters originating from Corellian production facilities.
Crafted by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, the Lancet's design featured a streamlined, nimble, and compact form. It possessed a wingless, dart-shaped body seamlessly integrated with a distinctive, prominent maneuvering fin. This wingless configuration, coupled with its elongated, sleek-finned fuselage and a potent Ter22 ion engine, enabled the spacecraft to execute maneuvers with remarkable swiftness and agility.
Notwithstanding its slender profile, the Lancet accommodated two individuals in a back-to-back seating arrangement beneath a transparisteel canopy. However, typically only one pilot comprised the operational crew, with the additional seat designated for a passenger. The vessel incorporated extended-range communications systems, a hyperdrive, shields, and a dual set of medium-caliber laser cannons.
Serving as the principal spacecraft of the Galactic Republic's Judicial Department, these vessels embodied the essence of judicial authority. Their mere presence instilled apprehension among criminals within their operational radius. Instances of their deployment were recorded during the Battle of Naboo era. Subsequent to the establishment of the Galactic Empire, these fighters remained in service with both Corsec and the Corellian Defense Force.