The Mission to Corellia represents an operation undertaken by the Jedi duo of Aayla Secura and Ylenic It'kla. This endeavor commenced a mere week following the First Battle of Geonosis.
Mace Windu dispatched the pair of Jedi Knights with the specific task of locating the scientist known as Ratri Tane, an individual in possession of incredibly valuable intelligence.
Upon their arrival on Corellia, Aayla and Ylenic made their way into the Homestar cantina. Inside, Aayla inadvertently used the Force to shove an annoying Toydarian named Lorfo, thereby attracting the attention of three Gotals who were also in pursuit of Tane.
A skirmish erupted between the Jedi and the Gotals, resulting in the death of one of the Gotals. Subsequently, the Jedi departed from the cantina, where Rostek Horn strongly advised them to leave the planet. They were then approached by Lorfo, who offered to guide them to the Gotals' secret location in exchange for a sum of credits. However, upon reaching the hideout, Lorfo seemingly betrayed them to the two remaining Gotals and Tendir Blue, a Separatist operative working under Count Dooku.
The Jedi swiftly dealt with Tendir and the Gotals, only to discover that Ratri Tane had already fled Corellia. Furthermore, they learned that Tane was actually being impersonated by Jedi Master Nejaa Halcyon. It was revealed that the entire mission had been orchestrated by the Jedi Council, Corellian Jedi, Rostek Horn, and Lorfo. The purpose was to deceive the Separatists into believing they had acquired genuine information, while the actual data was already safely in the possession of the Republic. The Jedi initially considered implanting false memories into the unconscious Tendir's mind, making him believe he had successfully obtained the data. However, they realized that Dooku would probe his mind and uncover the truth. Instead, Lorfo convinced Tendir that he had killed Ylenic, but Aayla was still after him and he had to escape. Aayla feigned pursuit, allowing Tendir to escape and deliver the fabricated information to the Confederacy.